Unveiling the synergistic nexus: AI-driven coding integration in mathematics education for enhanced computational thinking and problem-solving

  • Received : 2023.12.04
  • Accepted : 2024.04.12
  • Published : 2024.05.31


This paper delves into the symbiotic integration of coding and mathematics education, aimed at cultivating computational thinking and enriching mathematical problem-solving proficiencies. We have identified a corpus of scholarly articles (n=38) disseminated within the preceding two decades, subsequently culling a portion thereof, ultimately engendering a contemplative analysis of the extant remnants. In a swiftly evolving society driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the ascendancy of Artificial Intelligence (AI), understanding the synergy between these domains has become paramount. Mathematics education stands at the crossroads of this transformation, witnessing a profound influence of AI. This paper explores the evolving landscape of mathematical cognition propelled by AI, accentuating how AI empowers advanced analytical and problem-solving capabilities, particularly in the realm of big data-driven scenarios. Given this shifting paradigm, it becomes imperative to investigate and assess AI's impact on mathematics education, a pivotal endeavor in forging an education system aligned with the future. The symbiosis of AI and human cognition doesn't merely amplify AI-centric thinking but also fosters personalized cognitive processes by facilitating interaction with AI and encouraging critical contemplation of AI's algorithmic underpinnings. This necessitates a broader conception of educational tools, encompassing AI as a catalyst for mathematical cognition, transcending conventional linguistic and symbolic instruments.



This work was supported by the JKSMEA by waiving the fee for the special issue.


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