Web 3.0 Business Model Canvas of Metaverse Gaming Platform, The Sandbox

  • Song, Minzheong (Department of Media Communication & Advertising, Hansei University)
  • 투고 : 2024.04.25
  • 심사 : 2024.05.10
  • 발행 : 2024.06.30


We look at Web 3.0 business model canvas (BMC) of metaverse gaming platform, The Sandbox (TS). As results, the decentralized, blockchain-based platform, TS benefits its creators and players by providing true ownership, tradability of decentralized assets, and interoperability. First, in terms of the governance and ownership, The SAND functions a governance token allowing holders to participate in decision and SAND owners can vote themselves or delegate voting rights to other players of their choice. Second, in terms of decentralized assets and activities, TS offers three products as assets like Vox Edit as a 3D tool for voxel ASSETS, Marketplace as NFT market, and Game Maker as a visual scripting toolbox. The ASSETS made in Vox Edit, sold on the Marketplace, can be also utilized with Game Maker. Third, in terms of the network technology, in-game items are no longer be confined to a narrow ecosystem. The ASSETS on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) are not changed without the owner's permission. LAND and SAND are supported on Polygon, so that users interact with their tokens in a single place. Last, in terms of the token economics, users can acquire in-game assets, upload these assets to the marketplace, use for paying transaction fees, and use these as governance token for supporting the foundation.



This work was supported by Hansei University Research Fund of 2023.


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