FANET:-Communication Architecture and Routing Protocols A Review

  • Received : 2024.05.05
  • Published : 2024.05.30


FANET (Flying ad-hoc network) is a self-adjusting wireless network that enables easy to deploy flying nodes, inexpensive, flexible such as UAV in the absence of fixed network infrastructure they communicate amoung themselves. Past few decades FANET is only the emerging networks with it's huge range of next-generation applications.FANET is a sub-set of MANET's(Mobile Ad-hoc Network) and UAV networks are known as FANET.Routing enables the flying nodes to establish routes to radio access infrastructure specifically FANET and among themselves coordinate and collaborate.This paper presents a review on existing proposed communication architecture and routing protocols for FANETS.In addition open issues and challenges are summarized in tabular form with proposed solution.Our goal is to provide a general idea to the researchers about different topics to be addressed in future.



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