Multimedia Technologies for Teaching Musical Art under Present-day Conditions

  • Received : 2024.05.05
  • Published : 2024.05.30


The processes of society's informatization and digitalization necessitate the widespread use of new pedagogical technologies. Through these technologies, comprehensive disclosure of didactic functions of new methods of educational activity and the realization of the potential and creative potential. The use of information and computer multimedia technologies in teaching music art is especially relevant in the intensification of the development of interactive technologies, the transition to mixed forms of learning, and a period of socio-economic and sociopolitical upheavals. The study aims to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles of the analysis of multimedia technology learning musical art in modern conditions and assess the status and trends in their use in conducting educational activities. The study uses general scientific and unique methods of economic analysis, in particular, analysis and synthesis, analogy and comparison, generalization and systematization, and graphic ways. Regarding the results of the study of multimedia technologies for teaching musical art in current conditions, it was found that they contribute to the development of the seeker's creative, creative, and cognitive activity, have a positive impact on learning material, and diversify the educational process. Multimedia technologies such as presentations, programs for watching a video, listening to audio, music and singing karaoke, electronic encyclopedias, and Internet resources are proven to be the most used in music education. They have several qualitative and quantitative advantages, manifested in the possibilities of audio-visual presentation of educational material and significantly higher information density. It is suggested to strengthen the use of such computer programs as Microsoft Word, Ahead Nero, Finale, Adobe Audition, Sound Forge, and Microsoft PowerPoint for musical art classes.



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