Exploring the Feasibility of Neural Networks for Criminal Propensity Detection through Facial Features Analysis

  • Amal Alshahrani (College of Computing, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Umm Al Qura University) ;
  • Sumayyah Albarakati (College of Computing, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Umm Al Qura University) ;
  • Reyouf Wasil (College of Computing, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Umm Al Qura University) ;
  • Hanan Farouquee (College of Computing, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Umm Al Qura University) ;
  • Maryam Alobthani (College of Computing, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Umm Al Qura University) ;
  • Someah Al-Qarni (College of Computing, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Umm Al Qura University)
  • 투고 : 2024.05.05
  • 발행 : 2024.05.30


While artificial neural networks are adept at identifying patterns, they can struggle to distinguish between actual correlations and false associations between extracted facial features and criminal behavior within the training data. These associations may not indicate causal connections. Socioeconomic factors, ethnicity, or even chance occurrences in the data can influence both facial features and criminal activity. Consequently, the artificial neural network might identify linked features without understanding the underlying cause. This raises concerns about incorrect linkages and potential misclassification of individuals based on features unrelated to criminal tendencies. To address this challenge, we propose a novel region-based training approach for artificial neural networks focused on criminal propensity detection. Instead of solely relying on overall facial recognition, the network would systematically analyze each facial feature in isolation. This fine-grained approach would enable the network to identify which specific features hold the strongest correlations with criminal activity within the training data. By focusing on these key features, the network can be optimized for more accurate and reliable criminal propensity prediction. This study examines the effectiveness of various algorithms for criminal propensity classification. We evaluate YOLO versions YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 alongside VGG-16. Our findings indicate that YOLO achieved the highest accuracy 0.93 in classifying criminal and non-criminal facial features. While these results are promising, we acknowledge the need for further research on bias and misclassification in criminal justice applications



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