Exact solutions of vibration and postbuckling response of curved beam rested on nonlinear viscoelastic foundations

  • Nazira Mohamed (Department of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University) ;
  • Salwa A. Mohamed (Department of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University) ;
  • Mohamed A. Eltaher (Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University)
  • Received : 2024.01.25
  • Accepted : 2024.05.20
  • Published : 2024.03.25


This paper presents the exact solutions and closed forms for of nonlinear stability and vibration behaviors of straight and curved beams with nonlinear viscoelastic boundary conditions, for the first time. The mathematical formulations of the beam are expressed based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory with the von Karman nonlinearity to include the mid-plane stretching. The classical boundary conditions are replaced by nonlinear viscoelastic boundary conditions on both sides, that are presented by three elements (i.e., linear spring, nonlinear spring, and nonlinear damper). The nonlinear integro-differential equation of buckling problem subjected to nonlinear nonhomogeneous boundary conditions is derived and exactly solved to compute nonlinear static response and critical buckling load. The vibration problem is converted to nonlinear eigenvalue problem and solved analytically to calculate the natural frequencies and to predict the corresponding mode shapes. Parametric studies are carried out to depict the effects of nonlinear boundary conditions and amplitude of initial curvature on nonlinear static response and vibration behaviors of curved beam. Numerical results show that the nonlinear boundary conditions have significant effects on the critical buckling load, nonlinear buckling response and natural frequencies of the curved beam. The proposed model can be exploited in analysis of macrosystem (airfoil, flappers and wings) and microsystem (MEMS, nanosensor and nanoactuators).



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