후기 노인의 활동을 제한하는 주요 신체적 건강 상태와 장애 분석

Analysis of Major Physical Health Conditions and Disabilities that Limit Activity in Later Stage Elderly

  • 이효택 (세한대학교 인공지능 빅데이터학과) ;
  • 노효련 (강원대학교 물리치료학과)
  • Hyo-Taek Lee (Department of Artificial Intelligence & Big Data, Sehan University) ;
  • Hyo-Lyun Roh (Department of Physical Therapy, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2024.04.22
  • 심사 : 2024.05.17
  • 발행 : 2024.05.31


PURPOSE: This study is a data analysis study to determine the physical health problems and reasons for disabilities and activity limitation rates that limit daily life and social activities among the elderly population aged 75 or older in Korea. METHODS: This study data was extracted from the raw data of the 7th National Health and Welfare Survey (2016-2018). The subjects of this study were 1,995 elderly people (823 men, 1,172 women) aged 75 years or older. The collected data were analyzed using frequency analysis and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: From 2016 to 2018, the activity limitation rate among the elderly population aged 75 or older in Korea was 20.6% for men, 24.6% for women, and 23.1% overall. The three major diseases with the highest frequency of activity limitations were back and neck problems (36.5%), arthritis and rheumatism (28.7%), and knee and leg pain (14.7%). Activity limitation due to old age was found to be 13.1%, making it the fourth most frequent reason. The rate of activity limitations due to mental retardation and obesity was found to be 0%. The three major activity limitation rates were significantly related to gender. CONCLUSION: The main diseases causing activity limitations among the elderly population aged 75 or older in Korea were back and neck problems, arthritis and rheumatism, and musculoskeletal diseases such as knee and leg pain. Therefore, it is believed that it can be used as basis data for reducing the activity limitation rate of the elderly population in the aging era.



이 논문은 2024년 세한대학교 교내 연구비 지원에 의해 이루어졌음.


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