Optimising IL-2 for Cancer Immunotherapy

  • Jonathan Sprent (Immunology Division, Garvan Institute of Medical Research) ;
  • Onur Boyman (Department of Immunology, University Hospital Zurich)
  • Received : 2023.11.15
  • Accepted : 2024.01.08
  • Published : 2024.02.29


The key role of T cells in cancer immunotherapy is well established and is highlighted by the remarkable capacity of Ab-mediated checkpoint blockade to overcome T-cell exhaustion and amplify anti-tumor responses. However, total or partial tumor remission following checkpoint blockade is still limited to only a few types of tumors. Hence, concerted attempts are being made to devise new methods for improving tumor immunity. Currently, much attention is being focused on therapy with IL-2. This cytokine is a powerful growth factor for T cells and optimises their effector functions. When used at therapeutic doses for cancer treatment, however, IL-2 is highly toxic. Nevertheless, recent work has shown that modifying the structure or presentation of IL-2 can reduce toxicity and lead to effective anti-tumor responses in synergy with checkpoint blockade. Here, we review the complex interaction of IL-2 with T cells: first during normal homeostasis, then during responses to pathogens, and finally in anti-tumor responses.



Jonathan Sprent has fond memories of working in Korea and acknowledges fruitful collaborations with many KAI members, in particular Charles Surh and Jaeho Cho; their valuable contributions are mentioned in the text. Onur Boyman is funded by Swiss National Science Foundation grants 310030-172978 and 310030-200669, Hochspezialisierte Medizin Schwerpunkt Immunologie (HSM-2-Immunologie), Clinical Research Priority Program CYTIMM-Z of University of Zurich.


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