Degradation of Reactive Black 5 by potassium ferrate(VI)

페레이트를 활용한 아조 염료 Reactive Black 5 분해 연구

  • Minh Hoang Nguyen (Division of Earth Environmental System Science, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Il-kyu Kim (Division of Earth Environmental System Science, Pukyong National University)
  • ;
  • 김일규 (부경대학교 지구환경시스템과학부(환경공학 전공))
  • Received : 2023.11.01
  • Accepted : 2024.01.05
  • Published : 2024.02.15


This paper aims to study the degradation process for refractory azo dye namely Reactive Black 5(RB5) by potassium ferrate(VI) synthesized using the wet oxidation method. The process of degradation of azo dyes by Ferrate was studied with several parameters such as pH, different Ferrate(VI) dosage, different azo dye initial concentration, and temperature. A second-order reaction was observed in all degradation processes for RB5 having the highest degradation efficiency. The highest kapp value of RB5 degradation was 190.49 M-1s-1. In the pH experiments, the neutral condition has been identified as the optimum condition for the degradation of RB5 with 63.2% of dye removal. The efficiency of degradation also depends on the amount of ferrate(VI) available in the reactor. Degradation efficiency increased with an increase in Potassium Ferrate(VI) dosage or a decrease of RB5 initial concentration. The temperature has been reported as one of the most important parameters. From the results, increasing the temperature(up to 45℃) will increase the degradation efficiency of azo dye by Ferrate(VI) and if the temperature exceeds 45℃, the degradation efficiency will be decreased.

본 논문은 회분식 반응기에서 습식 산화법으로 합성한 칼륨 페레이트(VI)에 의한 난분해성 아조 염료Reactive Black 5의 분해 과정을 연구하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 수용액에서 RB5의 분해는 pH, Ferrate (VI) 투입량, 초기 농도, 수용액 온도 등 다양한 변수의 조건에서 연구되었다. RB5 경우에는 최대 분해 효율은 pH 7.0에서 63.2%가 달성되었으며, 이 실험 조건에서 얻은 kapp 값은 190.49 M-1s-1으로 나타났다. 온도 또한 가장 중요한 매개 변수 중 하나로 연구되었으며, 그 결과로부터 온도(45℃까지)를 증가시키면 페레이트(VI)에 의한 아조 화합물 염료의 분해 효율이 증가하고, 온도가 45℃를 초과하면 분해 효율이 저하되는 것으로 나타났다.



This work was supported by a Research Grant from Pukyong National University (2023 year).


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