Demonstration of an ultrasonic imaging system for molten lead

  • Received : 2023.08.07
  • Accepted : 2023.11.30
  • Published : 2024.04.25


2D and 3D ultrasonic imaging has so far not been demonstrated in pure molten lead in the open literature. In this study the development of such an ultrasonic device for imaging is outlined and results from testing at 380 ℃ in lead are presented. The main difficulties were found to be achieving then maintaining suitable wetting while ensuring suitable durability of the device, both due to the harsh nature of molten lead and the elevated temperatures. The successful detection and imaging (2D and 3D), of differently shaped targets, where the features were above the size of the transmitted ultrasound beam was demonstrated.



The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge practical assistance and contributions to the work from the following; Richard Todd (Ionix), Adrian Crimp, Jake Rusby (Univ. Bristol Physics Workshop), Tomas Martin (Bristol Physics), Shyam Radhe (Univ. Bristol MatLab), Serena Bassini (ENEA), Simon Middleburgh (Bangor University), Elen Williams, Laurie Crouch, Elizabeth Parker-Quaife (NNL).


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