Marginal fit of three different nanocomposite inlays fabricated with computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology: a comparative study

  • Hyunsuk Choi (Department of Dentistry and Prosthodontics, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine) ;
  • Jae-Young Jo (Department of Dentistry and Prosthodontics, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine) ;
  • Min-Ho Hong (Department of Dental Laboratory Science, College of Health Sciences, Catholic University of Pusan)
  • Received : 2023.08.14
  • Accepted : 2023.11.24
  • Published : 2024.04.30


Background: This study aimed to compare and evaluate the marginal fit of nanocomposite computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) inlays. Three types of nanocomposite CAD/CAM blocks (HASEM, VITA Enamic, and Lava Ultimate) were used as materials. Methods: Class II disto-occlusal inlay restorations were prepared on a typodont mandibular right first molar using diamond rotary instruments. The inlays were fabricated using CAD/CAM technology and evaluated using the silicone replica technique to measure marginal gaps at five locations on each inlay. The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc tests (α=0.05). Results: There were no significant differences in the marginal gaps based on the type of nanocomposite CAD/CAM inlay used (p=0.209). However, there was a significant difference in the marginal gaps between the measurement regions. The gingival region consistently exhibited a larger marginal gap than the axial and occlusal regions (p<0.001). Conclusion: Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the measurement location significantly influenced the marginal fit of class II disto-occlusal inlay restorations. However, there were no significant differences in the marginal gaps among the different types of CAD/CAM blocks. Furthermore, the overall mean marginal fits of the class II disto-occlusal inlay restorations made with the three types of nanocomposite CAD/CAM blocks were within the clinically acceptable range.



This work was supported by the RESEARCH FUND offered by the Catholic University of Pusan in 2023 and the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), Korea Institute for the Advancement of Technology (P0021772).


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