SiRENE: A new generation of engineering simulator for real-time simulators at EDF

  • Received : 2023.06.07
  • Accepted : 2023.10.22
  • Published : 2024.03.25


For Safety Assisted Engineering works, real-time simulators have emerged as a mandatory tool among all the key actors involved in the nuclear industry (utilities, designers and safety authorities). EDF, Electricité de France, as the leading worldwide nuclear power plant operator, has a crucial need for efficient and updated simulation tools for training, operating and safety analysis support. This paper will present the work performed at EDF/DT to develop a new generation of engineering simulator to fulfil these tasks. The project is called SiRENE, which is the acronym of Re-hosted Engineering Simulator in French. The project has been economically challenging. Therefore, to benefit from existing tools and experience, the SiRENE project combines: - A part of the process issued from the operating fleet training full-scope simulator. - An improvement of the simulator prediction reliability with the integration of High-Fidelity models, used in Safety Analysis. These High-Fidelity models address Nuclear Steam Supply System code, with CATHARE thermal-hydraulics system code and neutronics, with COCCINELLE code. - And taking advantage of the last generation and improvements of instructor station. The intensive and challenging uses of the new SiRENE engineering simulator are also discussed. The SiRENE simulator has to address different topics such as verification and validation of operating procedures, identification of safety paths, tests of I&C developments or modifications, tests on hydraulics system components (pump, valve etc.), support studies for Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA). etc. It also emerges that SiRENE simulator is a valuable tool for self-training of the newcomers in EDF nuclear engineering centers. As a modifiable tool and thanks to a skillful team managing the SiRENE project, specific and adapted modifications can be taken into account very quickly, in order to provide the best answers for our users' specific issues. Finally, the SiRENE simulator, and the associated configurations, has been distributed among the different engineering centers at EDF (DT in Lyon, DIPDE in Marseille and CNEPE in Tours). This distribution highlights a strong synergy and complementarity of the different engineering institutes at EDF, working together for a safer and a more profitable operating fleet.



The authors thank all the actors involved in the development of the SiRENE simulators, from the subcontractors's teams, the safety code maintenance teams to the final users. The success of the project is due to the effective contribution of all these actors.


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