O2O 플랫폼 품질이 자영업자의 디지털 전환에 미치는 영향: 배달앱을 중심으로

Study on the Influencing Factors of Business Performance and Loyalty in O2O Industry: Focusing on the Food Delivery Apps

  • 현대용 (서울신용보증재단 소상공인정책연구센터 ) ;
  • 김선영 (한국벤처투자 ) ;
  • 이병헌 (광운대학교 경영학부 )
  • Dae Yong Hyun (Centre for Small Business Insight, Seoul Credit Guarantee Foundation) ;
  • Sun-Young Kim (Research and Analysis Team, Korea Venture Investment Corporation) ;
  • Byungheon Lee (School of Business, Kwangwoon University)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.29
  • 심사 : 2024.03.24
  • 발행 : 2024.03.31


Purpose - With the increase of non-face-to-face activities due to the spread of COVID-19, O2O industry has grown rapidly which reduces contact points between suppliers and consumers. O2O platform is now recognized as an indispensable channel of distribution, but the voice is getting louder that it is necessary to check how it contributes to the performance of suppliers or how its fee system or contract terms affects the expansion of O2O industry as the leading companies tend to monopolize the market. Design/methodology/approach - In this study, the scope was limited to the restaurant industry in which transactions are the most active among the O2O industry and a regression analysis was done on 775 businesses that had used guarantor service from the Seoul Credit Guarantee Foundation. Findings - Analysis on the impact of O2O platform system, information, and service quality on the business performance of the sole proprietors revealed that the system quality represented by ease of use and the information quality determined by level of timely, accurate and reliable information provided to the consumers have a statistically significant effect on the improvement of business performance. In addition, the effect of business performance on the loyalty measured by the likelihood of users continuing to use the service as well as recommending it to others was moderated by the satisfaction with contract terms, not by the fee system. Research implications or Originality - Although the number of O2O platform providers has increased manyfold, the membership rate is no more than 20%, which means that the small business owners are still struggling with digital transformation. In order for the O2O industry, which is now commonplace, to form a healthy ecosystem that satisfies both suppliers and consumers, the standard contract guidelines that are acceptable to both parties must be established and the O2O providers must offer services that help suppliers to improve performance.



이 논문은 2023년도 광운대학교 교내 학술연구비 지원에 의해 연구되었음


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