Franchise are now a red ocean in Food industry and they need to find other options to appeal for their product, the uprising content, food tech. The franchises are working on R&D to help franchisees with the operations. Through this paper, we analyze the franchise interest on food tech and to help find the necessity of development for franchisees who are in needs with hand, not of human, but of technology. Using Textom, a big data analysis tool, "franchise" and "food tech" were selected as keywords, and search frequency information of Naver and Daum was collected for a year from 01 January, 2023 to 31 December, 2023, and data preprocessing was conducted based on this. For the suitability of the study and more accurate data, data not related to "food tech" was removed through the refining process, and similar keywords were grouped into the same keyword to perform analysis. As a result of the word refining process, a total of 10,049 words were derived, and among them, the top 50 keywords with the highest relevance and search frequency were selected and applied to this study. The top 50 keywords derived through word purification were subjected to TF-IDF analysis, visualization analysis using Ucinet6 and NetDraw programs, network analysis between keywords, and cluster analysis between each keyword through Concor analysis. By using big data analysis, it was found out that franchise do have interest on food tech. "technology", "franchise", "robots" showed many interests and keyword "R&D" showed that franchise are keen on developing food tech to seize competitiveness in Franchise Industry.