Determining the doses of probiotics for application in Scylla tranquebarica (Fabricius 1798) larvae to produce crablet

  • Gunarto, Gunarto (Research Center for Fisheries, National Research and Innovation Agency) ;
  • Yustian Rovi Alfiansah (Research Center for Applied Microbiology, National Research and Innovation Agency) ;
  • Muliani Muliani (Research Center for Fisheries, National Research and Innovation Agency) ;
  • Bunga Rante Tampangalo (Research Center for Fisheries, National Research and Innovation Agency) ;
  • Herlinah Herlinah (Research Center for Fisheries, National Research and Innovation Agency) ;
  • Nurbaya Nurbaya (Research Center for Fisheries, National Research and Innovation Agency) ;
  • Rosmiati Rosmiati (Research Center for Fisheries, National Research and Innovation Agency)
  • 투고 : 2023.09.17
  • 심사 : 2023.12.20
  • 발행 : 2024.03.31


Mass mortalities of mud crab Scylla spp. larvae due to pathogenic Vibrio spp. outbreaks have frequently occurred in hatcheries. To overcome this problem, probiotics containing Bacillus subtilis bacteria are applied to inhibit pathogenic ones. We tested different doses of probiotic-containing B. subtilis (108 CFU/g) on the Scylla tranquebarica larvae and investigated the microbiota population, including Vibrio. Water quality, larvae development, and crablet production were also monitored. The recently hatched larvae were grown in twelve conical fiber tanks filled with 200 L sterile seawater, with a salinity of 30 ppt at a stocking density of 80 ind/L. Four different doses of probiotics were applied in the larvae rearing, namely, A = 2.5 mg/L, B = 5 mg/L, C = 7.5 mg/L, and D = 0 mg/L, with three replicates. Next-generation sequencing analysis was used to obtain the abundance of microbes in the whole body of megalopa and the water media for larvae rearing after applying probiotics. Sixteen Raw Deoxyribonucleic Acid samples (eight from a whole body of megalopa extraction from four treatments of probiotics defined as A, B, C, D, and eight from water media extraction from four treatments of probiotic defined as E, F, G, H) were prepared. Then, they were sent to the Genetics Science Laboratory for NGS analysis. Ammonia, nitrite, total organic matter (TOM), larvae, and crablet production were monitored. Based on the Next-generation sequencing analysis data, the Vibrio spp. decreased significantly (p < 0.05) than control test (D) in megalopa-applied probiotics at the doses of 2.5 mg/L (A) and 7.5 mg/L (C) and in the water media for megalopa rearing treated with probiotics at the dosage of 5.0 mg/L (F). Ammonia in the zoea stage in B treatment and TOM in the zoea and megalopa stage in B and C treatments were decreased significantly (p < 0.05). It impacts the higher number of zoea survival in treatments B and C. Finally, it results in a significantly high crablet production in treatments B and C. Therefore, the dosage of 5 mg/L to 7.5 mg/L improves crablet S. tranquebarica production significantly.



The authors would like to thank the Research Institute for Brackishwater Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension (RIBAFE), the National Research and Innovation Agency, and the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) of the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia through the RIIM Program Phase 2.


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