Characterizing and modelling nonstationary tri-directional thunderstorm wind time histories

  • Y.X. Liu (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Western Ontario) ;
  • H.P. Hong (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Western Ontario)
  • Received : 2023.06.29
  • Accepted : 2024.01.23
  • Published : 2024.04.25


The recorded thunderstorm winds at a point contain tri-directional components. The probabilistic characteristics of such recorded winds in terms of instantaneous mean wind speed and direction, and the probability distribution and the time-frequency dependent crossed and non-crossed power spectral density functions for the high-frequency fluctuating wind components are unclear. In the present study, we analyze the recorded tri-directional thunderstorm wind components by separating the recorded winds in terms of low-frequency time-varying mean wind speed and high-frequency fluctuating wind components in the alongwind direction and two orthogonal crosswind directions. We determine the time-varying mean wind speed and direction defined by azimuth and elevation angles, and analyze the spectra of high-frequency wind components in three orthogonal directions using continuous wavelet transforms. Additionally, we evaluate the coherence between each pair of fluctuating winds. Based on the analysis results, we develop empirical spectral models and lagged coherence models for the tri-directional fluctuating wind components, and we indicate that the fluctuating wind components can be treated as Gaussian. We show how they can be used to generate time histories of the tri-directional thunderstorm winds.



Financial support was received from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We thank Dr. M. Burland for providing us with the thunderstorm wind records. We thank X.Z. Cui for fruitful discussion throughout the present study.


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