Effects of ᴅ-allulose on body fat accumulation in rats fed severely carbohydrate-restricted diets containing beef tallow or soybean oil

  • Received : 2023.12.15
  • Accepted : 2024.02.29
  • Published : 2024.04.30


Purpose: The carbohydrate-restricted diet has been recognized to be effective into preventing and alleviating lifestyle-related diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. The rare sugar ᴅ-allulose is a functional monosaccharide with anti-obesity effects. In the present study, we examined the effects of dietary ᴅ-allulose on body fat accumulation in rats fed severely carbohydrate-restricted diets containing high concentrations of different fats, beef tallow, or soybean oil. Methods: Male Wistar rats (n = 35, 3-week-old) were divided into 5 groups: One chow-fed control (C) group, and four carbohydrate-restricted groups, namely, beef tallow (B), beef tallow + ᴅ-allulose (BA), soybean oil (S), and soybean oil + ᴅ-allulose (SA), with free access to the diet and water for 8 weeks. The B and BA diets contained 23% beef tallow and 2% soybean oil, whereas the S and SA diets contained 25% soybean oil. Furthermore, the BA and SA diets contained 5% ᴅ-allulose. Results: The final body weight, weight gain, and food intake were significantly higher, and food efficiency was significantly lower in the control group compared to the other carbohydrate-restricted groups. Intra-abdominal adipose tissue, carcass fat, and total body fat weights were not influenced by dietary fat type or ᴅ-allulose supplementation, except for the epididymal adipose tissue weight. In contrast, carbohydrate restriction suppressed body weight gain in rats, but remarkably increased body fat accumulation. Conclusion: Under carbohydrate-restricted conditions, no anti-obesity effects of dietary ᴅ-allulose were observed, regardless of the dietary fat type. The causes of these effects are unknown. However, they may be influenced by a very low carbohydrate and high protein diet. Further research is required to elucidate the effects of ᴅ-allulose under various nutrient compositions with different fat, carbohydrate, and protein energy ratios.



This work was carried out with Management Expenses Grants by the Ministry of Education.


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