종이 기반과 플라스틱 기반 보건마스크 패키징의 환경영향 비교

Comparison of Environmental Evaluation for Paper and Plastic Based Mask Packaging

  • 강동호 (한국생산기술연구원 패키징기술센터) ;
  • 고유진 (한국생산기술연구원 패키징기술센터) ;
  • 오상훈 (한솔제지주식회사) ;
  • 추고현 (한솔제지주식회사) ;
  • 장지수 (한솔제지주식회사 중앙연구소) ;
  • 이준혁 (한국생산기술연구원 패키징기술센터) ;
  • 심진기 (한국생산기술연구원 패키징기술센터)
  • Dongho Kang (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea Packaging Center ) ;
  • Youjin Go (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea Packaging Center ) ;
  • Sanghoon Oh (Hansol Paper Co., Ltd ) ;
  • Gohyun Choo (Hansol Paper Co., Ltd ) ;
  • Jisoo Jang (Hansol Paper Co., Ltd. R&D Center) ;
  • Junhyuk Lee (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea Packaging Center ) ;
  • Jinkie Shim (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea Packaging Center )
  • 발행 : 2024.04.30


In this study, environmental evaluation of high barrier coated paper (coating layer/paper) packaging is conducted in comparison with conventional aluminum laminated (PET/VMPET/LLDPE) plastic packaging. The target product for this packaging is a KF94 mask, which requires a high barrier of water and oxygen to maintain the filtration ability of the mask filter. The functional unit of this study is 10,000 mask packaging materials based on a material capable of blocking oxygen (<1 g/m2day) and moisture (<3 g/m2day) for the preservation of KF94 masks. In order to understand the results easily, paper-based mask packaging system divided into 6 stages (pulp, pulping & paper making, calendaring & coating, printing, packing and waste management), while plastic-based mask packaging consists of 5 stages (material production, processing, printing, packing, waste management) In case of paper-based mask packaging, most contributing stage is calendaring & coating, resulting from heat and electricity production. On the other hand, plastic-based mask packaging is contributed more than 30% by material production, specifically due to linear low density polyethylene and purified terephthalic acid production. The comparison results show that global warming potential of paper-based mask packaging has 32% lower than that of plastic-based mask packaging. Most of other impact indicators revealed in similar trend.



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