Electrical Properties of Liquid Insulation as a Function of Temperature

온도에 따른 액체 절연유의 전기적 특성

  • Tae-Hee Kim (Department of Electrical and Electronics, Dongshin University) ;
  • Yong-Sung Choi (Department of Electrical and Electronics, Dongshin University)
  • 김태희 (동신대학교 전기전자공학과) ;
  • 최용성 (동신대학교 전기전자공학과)
  • Received : 2023.12.19
  • Accepted : 2024.01.12
  • Published : 2024.05.01


In this paper, the electrical properties of liquid insulating oil were analyzed by changing the ambient temperature change at 10℃ in-tervals from 0℃ to 30℃ through an insulation breakdown experiment in order to analyze the insulation performance of liquid in-sulating oil that varies according to temperature changes. As a result, it was confirmed through experiments that the lower the am-bient temperature, the higher the insulation breakdown voltage, depending on both the electrode shape and the electrode interval, and it was determined that the lower the ambient temperature, the higher the insulation performance of the liquid insulating oil.



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