Re-Engineering of Educational Contexts in the Digital Transformation of Socio-Economic Interactions of Society

  • 투고 : 2024.03.05
  • 발행 : 2024.03.30


The article examines the key constants of reengineering the modern educational cluster, associated with the processes of digital transformation of all spheres of modern socio-cultural space. The first constant is the strategic rethinking of the educational process organization and awareness of the new roles of all participants (tutors, applicants, controlling elements, etc.). The other constant involves practical re-design of the system of educational services, which consists in the reorientation from the traditional model of education functioning for society to the implementation of the educational format in the form of new projects (structural, target, business). Consequently, the purpose of the study is to highlight the attitudes relevant to the modern realities of information and technological support of education in the context of socio-economic interactions of society. The criteria for the reengineering of educational concepts and the structural organization of the educational sphere are defined. The modern world is going through a period of complete digital transformation of all spheres of public activity. The scientific intelligence notes that education is no exception in these processes, as the dependence of educational realities on information and computer technologies is now noted. The COVID-19 pandemic, for all its tragedy, was also a kind of trigger, clearly marking the new components that have become defined in the organization of the educational process. The conclusion is made that the use of digital technologies in the organization of the educational institution or in the organization of the educational process has become not an auxiliary element, but a dominant factor. Mobility, dynamism, interdisciplinarity, synergy - all these aspects are relevant for socio-economic interactions of society and should be provided by educational programs. The results of the study can be used in the reorganization processes of educational institutions and institutions. Further research requires aspects of the analysis of the foreign experience of reengineering in education, carried out taking into account digital transformations of modern sociocultural space.



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