Smart Health Monitoring System (SHMS) An Enabling Technology for patient Care

  • 투고 : 2024.03.05
  • 발행 : 2024.03.30


Health Monitoring System is a sophisticating technology and another way to the normal/regular management of the health of the patient. This Health Monitoring Mobile Application is a contribution from our side to the public and to the overall health industry in Pakistan. With the help of Health mobile application, the users will be able to store their medical records, prescriptions and retrieve them later. The users can store and keep track of their vital readings (heart rate, blood pressure, fasting glucose, random glucose). The mobile application also shows hospitals that are nearby in case the user wants to avail of any medical help. An important feature of the application is the symptoms-based disease prediction, the user selects the symptoms which he has and then the application will name certain diseases that match those symptoms based on relevant algorithms. The major advances and issues have been discussed, and as well as potential tasks to health monitoring will be identified and evaluated.



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