Examining the Generative Artificial Intelligence Landscape: Current Status and Policy Strategies

  • Received : 2023.06.05
  • Accepted : 2023.10.16
  • Published : 2024.03.31


This article proposes a framework to elucidate the structural dynamics of the generative AI ecosystem. It also outlines the practical application of this proposed framework through illustrative policies, with a specific emphasis on the development of the Korean generative AI ecosystem and its implications of platform strategies at AI platform-squared. We propose a comprehensive classification scheme within generative AI ecosystems, including app builders, technology partners, app stores, foundational AI models operating as operating systems, cloud services, and chip manufacturers. The market competitiveness for both app builders and technology partners will be highly contingent on their ability to effectively navigate the customer decision journey (CDJ) while offering localized services that fill the gaps left by foundational models. The strategically important platform of platforms in the generative AI ecosystem (i.e., AI platform-squared) is constituted by app stores, foundational AIs as operating systems, and cloud services. A few companies, primarily in the U.S. and China, are projected to dominate this AI platform squared, and consequently, they are likely to become the primary targets of non-market strategies by diverse governments and communities. Korea still has chances in AI platform-squared, but the window of opportunities is narrowing. A cautious approach is necessary when considering potential regulations for domestic large AI models and platforms. Hastily importing foreign regulatory frameworks and non-market strategies, such as those from Europe, could overlook the essential hierarchical structure that our framework underscores. Our study suggests a clear strategic pathway for Korea to emerge as a generative AI powerhouse. As one of the few countries boasting significant companies within the foundational AI models (which need to collaborate with each other) and chip manufacturing sectors, it is vital for Korea to leverage its unique position and strategically penetrate the platform-squared segment-app stores, operating systems, and cloud services. Given the potential network effects and winner-takes-all dynamics in AI platform-squared, this endeavor is of immediate urgency. To facilitate this transition, it is recommended that the government implement promotional policies that strategically nurture these AI platform-squared, rather than restrict them through regulations and stakeholder pressures.



This work was partly supported by Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation grant funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (No.RS-2023-00215734).


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