Development of an index that decreases birth weight, promotes postnatal growth and yet minimizes selection intensity in beef cattle

  • 투고 : 2023.09.07
  • 심사 : 2023.11.06
  • 발행 : 2024.05.01


Objective: The main goal of our current study was to improve the growth curve of meat animals by decreasing the birth weight while achieving a finishing weight that is the same as that before selection but at younger age. Methods: Random regression model was developed to derive various selection indices to achieve desired gains in body weight at target time points throughout the fattening process. We considered absolute and proportional gains at specific ages (in weeks) and for various stages (i.e., early, middle, late) during the fattening process. Results: The point gain index was particularly easy to use because breeders can assign a specific age (in weeks) as a time point and model either the actual weight gain desired or a scaled percentage gain in body weight. Conclusion: The point gain index we developed can achieve the desired weight gain at any given postnatal week of the growing process and is an easy-to-use and practical option for improving the growth curve.



Togashi thanks the staff members of LIAJ for their generous support; Drs. J.E.O. Rege and H.A. Fitzhugh, Jr., for support and advice while Togashi was in Addis Ababa; Dr. K. Hammond for support and advice while Togashi was in Armidale; and Dr. C. Y. Lin for his enthusiastic support while Lin was in Sapporo.


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