The widespread adoption of aluminum slab formwork in modern construction, evident in both domestic and international projects, offers numerous advantages. However, a critical challenge persists regarding the dismantling process for these slabs. The current industry standard involves dropping the slabs to the ground floor upon removal. This practice raises several concerns, notably the generation of significant noise pollution that disrupts nearby communities. More importantly, the risk of worker injuries due to falls from height during the dismantling process is a serious safety hazard. Additionally, the impact from dropping the slabs can damage the aluminum itself, leading to increased replacement costs. These drawbacks necessitate the exploration of alternative dismantling techniques that prioritize worker safety, material sustainability, and overall process efficiency. Accordingly, in this study, when the entire first-generation slab formwork of an apartment house is simultaneously lowered to a reachable position for workers, it is then disassembled and lifted for transport to the next floor. This approach has the potential to demonstrate improvements in safety, quality, economy, and process efficiency.
국내외 건설현장에서 사용빈도가 급격히 증가하고 있는 슬래브용 알루미늄 폼은 탈형시 바닥으로 그대로 떨어뜨리는 경우가 많아 소음으로 인한 주변 민원이 발생하고, 높은 위치에서 떨어지면서 형틀이 변형되거나 바닥에서 튀어 오로면서 주변 인부들에게 상해를 입히기도 하여 중대재해처벌법이 강화되는 현실에서 개선이 절실한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 공동주택의 1세대 슬래브 거푸집 전체가 동시에 작업자가 펼친 손이 닿는 위치까지 안전하게 낙하되면 자유롭게 분해하여 다음 층으로 인양할 수 있게 함으로써 안전성, 품질, 경제성, 공정이 개선된 필러서포터 존치형 공법으로써 슬래브의 처짐문제 해결 등의 장점을 확인되고 건설신기술을 획득하였으므로 적극적인 시장개척을 통한 적용 활성화가 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
This paper was written based on the results derived from ACP's new construction technology development process and was published under the theme of "Formwork Installation and Dismantling Method Using Drop Guides and Stoppers Formed Around a Support" by the Korea institute of building construction, Vol. 22, No. 2(2022.06 p. 74-81), so we thank you for this.
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Serious Accident Punishment Act [Internet]. Sejong (Korea): Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; 2022 Jan 27. Available from:
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