공과대학생의 자기조절학습전략이 쓰기효능감, 쓰기피드백인식, 학습실재감에 미치는 영향

Effects of Engineering Students' Self-Regulated Learning Strategies on Writing Self-Efficacy, Perceptions of Writing Feedback and Learning Presence

  • 황순희 (홍익대학교(세종) 교양과)
  • Hwang, Soonhee (Department of Liberal Arts and Science, Hongik University)
  • 투고 : 2024.02.13
  • 심사 : 2024.03.25
  • 발행 : 2024.03.31


This research aims to examine the effects of engineering students' self-regulated learning strategies on writing self-efficacy, perceptions of writing feedback, and learning presence. To achieve this purpose, firstly, differences in self-regulated learning strategies, writing self-efficacy, perceptions of writing feedback, and learning presence were investigated among engineering and non-engineering students. Secondly, the effects of self-regulated learning strategies, as perceived by engineering students, on writing self-efficacy, perceptions of writing feedback, and learning presence were explored. A total of 196 engineering and non-engineering students from one university in Korea responded to a survey based on a four-variable scale. The findings were as follows: firstly, there were significant differences in self-regulated learning strategies, writing self-efficacy, perceptions of writing feedback, and learning presence by major. Secondly, positive correlations between self-regulated learning strategies, writing self-efficacy, perceptions of writing feedback, and learning presence were identified in terms of sub-factors of those variables. Thirdly, engineering students' self-regulated learning strategies predicted writing self-efficacy, perceptions of writing feedback, and learning presence. The practical implications of these findings are discussed herein, with particular attention to education for the promotion of self-regulated learning strategies and their application to writing courses, as well as diverse learning environments.



이 논문은 2024학년도 홍익대학교 학술연구진흥비에 의하여 지원되었음.


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