Optical and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Interaction Between Long-range High-power Laser and Energetic Materials

  • Kisung Park (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Soonhwi Hwang (Laser R&D Laboratory, LIG Nex1) ;
  • Hwanseok Yang (Laser R&D Laboratory, LIG Nex1) ;
  • Chul Hyun (Laser R&D Laboratory, LIG Nex1) ;
  • Jai-ick Yoh (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2023.12.27
  • 심사 : 2024.03.24
  • 발행 : 2024.04.25


This study is essential for advancing our knowledge about the interaction between long-range high-power lasers and energetic materials, with a particular emphasis on understanding the response of a 155-mm shell under various surface irradiations, taking into account external factors such as atmospheric disturbances. The analysis addresses known limitations in understanding the use of non-realistic targets and the negligence of ambient conditions. The model employs the three-dimensional level-set method, computer-aided design (CAD)-based target design, and a message-passing interface (MPI) parallelization scheme that enables rapid calculations of the complex chemical reactions of the irradiated high explosives. Important outcomes from interaction modeling include the accurate prediction of the initiation time of ignition, transient pressure, and temperature responses with the location of the initial hot spot within the shell, and the relative magnitude of noise with and without the presence of physical ambient disturbances. The initiation time of combustion was increased by approximately a factor of two with atmospheric disturbance considered, while slower heating of the target resulted in an average temperature rise of approximately 650 K and average pressure increase of approximately 1 GPa compared to the no ambient disturbance condition. The results provide an understanding of the interaction between the high-power laser and energetic target at a long distance in an atmospheric condition.



The authors are grateful to LIG Nex1 for providing the research grant contracted through IAAT and IOER at Seoul National University.


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