Emergency department laparotomy for patients with severe abdominal trauma: a retrospective study at a single regional trauma center in Korea

  • Yu Jin Lee (Department of Emergency Medicine, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Soon Tak Jeong (Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ansanhyo Hospital) ;
  • Joongsuck Kim (Department of Trauma Surgery, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Kwanghee Yeo (Department of Trauma Surgery, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Ohsang Kwon (Department of Trauma Surgery, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Kyounghwan Kim (Department of Trauma Surgery, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Sung Jin Park (Department of Trauma Surgery, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Jihun Gwak (Department of Trauma Surgery, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Wu Seong Kang (Department of Trauma Surgery, Jeju Regional Trauma Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital)
  • Received : 2023.10.01
  • Accepted : 2023.11.07
  • Published : 2024.03.31


Purpose: Severe abdominal injuries often require immediate clinical assessment and surgical intervention to prevent life-threatening complications. In Jeju Regional Trauma Center, we have instituted a protocol for emergency department (ED) laparotomy at the trauma bay. We investigated the mortality and time taken from admission to ED laparotomy. Methods: We reviewed the data recorded in our center's trauma database between January 2020 and December 2022 and identified patients who underwent laparotomy because of abdominal trauma. Laparotomies that were performed at the trauma bay or the ED were classified as ED laparotomy, whereas those performed in the operating room (OR) were referred to as OR laparotomy. In cases that required expeditious hemostasis, ED laparotomy was performed appropriately. Results: From January 2020 to December 2022, 105 trauma patients admitted to our hospital underwent emergency laparotomy. Of these patients, six (5.7%) underwent ED laparotomy. ED laparotomy was associated with a mortality rate of 66.7% (four of six patients), which was significantly higher than that of OR laparotomy (17.1%, 18 of 99 patients, P=0.006). All the patients who received ED laparotomy also underwent damage control laparotomy. The time between admission to the first laparotomy was significantly shorter in the ED laparotomy group (28.5 minutes; interquartile range [IQR], 14-59 minutes) when compared with the OR laparotomy group (104 minutes; IQR, 88-151 minutes; P<0.001). The two patients who survived after ED laparotomy had massive mesenteric bleeding, which was successfully ligated. The other four patients, who had liver laceration, kidney rupture, spleen injury, and pancreas avulsion, succumbed to the injuries. Conclusions: Although ED laparotomy was associated with a higher mortality rate, the time between admission and ED laparotomy was markedly shorter than for OR laparotomy. Notably, major mesenteric hemorrhages were effectively controlled through ED laparotomy.



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