Recognition of Model Cars Using Low-Cost Camera in Smart Toy Games

저가 카메라를 이용한 스마트 장난감 게임을 위한 모형 자동차 인식

  • Received : 2023.09.06
  • Accepted : 2024.01.19
  • Published : 2024.02.28


Recently, there has been a growing interest in integrating physical toys into video gaming within the game content business. This paper introduces a novel method that leverages low-cost camera as an alternative to using sensor attachments to meet this rising demand. We address the limitations associated with low-cost cameras and propose an optical design tailored to the specific environment of model car recognition. We overcome the inherent limitations of low-cost cameras by proposing an optical design specifically tailored for model car recognition. This approach primarily focuses on recognizing the underside of the car and addresses the challenges associated with this particular perspective. Our method employs a transfer learning model that is specifically trained for this task. We have achieved a 100% recognition rate, highlighting the importance of collecting data under various camera exposures. This paper serves as a valuable case study for incorporating low-cost cameras into vision systems.



이 연구는 금오공과대학교 대학 학술연구비로 지원되었음 (2021).


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