The distribution of Jeju coastal sand dune plants and its restoration implications

제주 해안사구 식물 분포와 복원을 위한 의미

  • Received : 2023.10.02
  • Accepted : 2023.12.28
  • Published : 2024.02.29


The coastal dune ecosystem is one of the ecosystems under the most development pressure in Korea. Therefore, it is necessary to study the ecological location and related ecological phenomena of coastal dune plants, but related studies are lacking. Through this study, we intend to conduct research on the structure and restoration of dune plants, focusing on the coastal dunes in Jeju Island, which are affected by artificial development pressure and the continuous increase in tourists among many coastal dunes in Korea. Ecosystems of coastal sand dunes for vegetation survey in Jeju Island are selected based on naturalness and preservation. In this study, 23 major coastal dunes on Jeju Island including Udo were selected. In the coastal dunes of Jeju Island, a whole species survey and quadrat survey were carried out. The vegetation survey at study sites were conducted on May to September 2022, when the vegetation is clearly visible. At the survey site, the dune area was identified at the beginning and the plant species were recorded until no more new species appeared. Vegetation survey in the field was performed by 103 quadrat establishments and was conducted using Braun-Blanquet method. A total of 277 species appeared, and the most common species were Vitex rotundifolia and Calystegia soldanella. The frequency of both Vitex rotundifolia and Calystegia soldanella was approximately over 90%. The proportion of woody and herbaceous in all emerging species was 7.2% and 92.8%, respectively. The total number of species found in the quadrat survey was 98. As a result of classifying plant communities based on species dominance in the quadrats, it was analyzed into 30 plant communities. The plant communities that appeared with a frequency of 2 or more on the main island of Jeju were Vitex rotundifolia, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii, Ischaemum antephoroides, Wedelia prostrata, Elymus mollis, Calystegia soldanella, Artemisia scoparia, and Tetragonia tetragonoides. The DCCA(detrended canonical correspondence analysis) based on the vegetation and environment factor matrix showed that the height and covers of the dominant plant species explain significantly the variation and distribution of coastal sand dune species on Jeju island. Thus, we may propose a plan to restore the coastal dunes of Jeju island as helping colonization and establishment of mainly sand dune native perennials and trees, preserving native plant communities that are declining and preserving present tree strips of Pinus thunbergii, Litsea japonica, Pittosporum tobira and Vitex rotundifolia.



이 논문은 한국교원대학교 2022학년도 연구년교수 학술지원비 지원을 받아 수행한 연구의 결과임. (과제번호: 2022-0185).


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