의과대학생의 졸업 후 전공선택을 위한 진로지도

Career Guidance to Help Medical School Students Choose a Specialty after Graduation

  • 이선우 (충남대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학과교실)
  • Sun Woo Lee (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital)
  • 투고 : 2023.12.12
  • 심사 : 2024.02.24
  • 발행 : 2024.02.28


The author recommends the creation of a nationwide career guidance program at the national level through the establishment of a long-term cohort, involving collaboration among medical schools nationwide. This cohort would be constructed for the purpose of analyzing correlations from admission to medical school to post-graduate education, facilitating the development of a career guidance program. This will aid in career development through students' self-analysis and competency building. Each medical school should operate a systematic career guidance program. Career guidance for post-graduate major selection should be included in the regular curriculum. Schools are advised to operate student counseling rooms for various career guidance services. For example, medical schools can operate 1:1 career counseling, academic counseling, career guidance surveys, psychological tests, and counseling. It is advisable to establish a mentor-professor system, connect mentor professors, and build a network of experts related to majors to provide immediate support according to students' needs. Professional mentor training should be provided to mentor professors. To provide opportunities for students to experience their career paths in advance, early clinical exposure, long-term integrated clinical practice, community-based clinical practice, participation in student research programs, career fairs, and student internship programs are recommended. In South Korea, it is necessary to systematically operate the internship system and make improvements to facilitate optical career choices. Additionally, considering the significant influence of social factors on students' career choices in South Korea, efforts should be made to identify and address the issues related to these social factors.



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