본 연구결과는 2023학년도 광주여자대학교 대학혁신지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음.
- Jang JH. Integration of welfare and medical care in the age of aging and integrated nursing care in local communities. Korean Society of Gerontological Social Welfare 2023:352-64.
- Cho MJ, Shim JS, Kim HC, Song KB, Choi YH. Relationship between metabolic syndrome components and periodontal health determined using a self-reported questionnaire. J Korean Acad Oral Health 2016;40(4):231-7.
- Chon YH. Astudy on relationships between the elderly with dementia and care workers under the long-term care insurance for the elderly in Korea. Studies on Life and Culture 2017;43:129-71.
- Park MS. Educational needs in the provision of oral care by nursing staff long-term care facility for elderly people. J Korean Gerontol Nurs 2010;12(1):72-80.
- Statistics Korea. Korean standard classification of occupations [Internet]. Statistics Korea[cited 2024 Jan 27]. Available from:
- Lee MJ. The status and problems educating care giver in Korea. Society of Occupational Therapy for the Aged and Dementia 2008;2(1):69-74.
- Ministry of health and welfare. Standard textbook for training care helpers. 2nd ed. Seoul: People and Management; 2019:254-8.
- Baek JH, Lee HJ, Choi HJ, Choi JH, Kim NK, Kwag JM, et al. Content analysis of daily tooth cleaning service records by caregivers in a long-term care facility. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg 2014;14(6):903-13.
- Hoang H, Barnett T, Maine G, Crocombe L. Aged care staff's experiences of 'better oral health in residential care training': a qualitative study. Contemporary Nurse 2018;54(3):268-83. https;//
- Moon YM. Oral health behavior factors related to cargivers of elderly care facility[Master's thesis]. Seosan: Hanseo University, 2012.
- Kim YH. Attitude and practice related to oral care of geriatric care helpers[Master's thesis]. Daegu: Kyungpook National University, 2011.
- Kim SJ. Realities and factors of the dental hygienists' oral health care for the elderly[Master's thesis]. Gyeongsan: Yeungnam University, 2015.
- Choi SE, Han MA, Park J, Ryu SY. Performance of elderly oral health management and related factors among care workers in long-term-care hospitals. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg 2017;17(5):791-803.
- Kim GU, Kim JH. A study on the knowledge and awareness of care workers on the geriatric oral health. J Korea Converg Soc 2015;6(6):9-15.
- Lee HS. Factors influencing the oral care of direct care workers in long-term care facilities : a multilevel model analysis[Doctoral dissertation]. Seoul: Ewha Womans University, 2021.
- Park JA, Han S, Jin BH. A suggestion of the new oral health care system for the caregivers at the long-term care facilities. J Korean Acad Oral Health 2022;46(4):252-9.
- Yang JH, Lee JB, Yeo IS, Nam CW, Moon HJ, Park DY, et al. Prosthodontics. 2nd ed. Seoul; KMS; 2019:219-329.
- Jeon HS, Han SY, Chung WG, Choi JH. Knowledge, attitude, and behavior status on oral health care of geriatric care workers in long-term care facilities. J Dent Hyg Sci2015;15(5):569-76.
- Kim SH, Kim CH, SonGY, Yang SY, Cho MS, Oh SH. The perception of elderly oral health care in the care workers in nursing homes. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg 2014;14(5):715-21.
- Kang GM. Current status and awareness of oral health care for elderly patients by geriatric hospital workers[Master's thesis]. Iksan: Wonkwang University, 2018.
- Lee KH, Choi YY, Jung ES. Oral care status and elderly oral health knowledge of care workers and caregivers with regard to patients with dementia. J Korean Soc Dent Hyg 2019;19(1):79-91.