[Review] The Impact of Character Collaboration Product Characteristics on Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention: Focusing on F&B Products

  • Kyung Tae JANG (Dept. of Food & Cooking Science, Sunchon National University) ;
  • Senghyeon LEE (Dept. of Food Science and Service, College of Bio-Convergence, Eulji University) ;
  • Seong-Soo CHA (Dept. of Food Science and Service, College of Bio-Convergence, Eulji University)
  • Received : 2024.02.24
  • Accepted : 2024.03.07
  • Published : 2024.03.30


This study aims to investigate the impact of character collaboration product characteristics on brand awareness and purchase intention within the food and beverage (F&B) industry, with a special focus on Generation MZ's growing interest in such products. The methodology involves a comprehensive review of existing literature on character marketing, brand awareness, and consumer purchase intention, supplemented by case studies of successful character collaborations in the F&B sector. The findings reveal that character collaborations significantly impact brand awareness and purchase intentions, particularly among younger consumers like Generation MZ. These collaborations not only rekindle nostalgia but also introduce new and exciting consumer experiences, effectively attracting a wide demographic. The success of character-themed products, from Pokémon bread to Coca-Cola's League of Legends collaboration, underscores the strategy's effectiveness in boosting brand recognition and consumer engagement. The implications of this research are manifold for the F&B industry. Firstly, it highlights the importance of leveraging popular characters to forge emotional connections with consumers. Secondly, it suggests that product development should closely align with consumer preferences and market trends to maximize appeal. Lastly, it positions character collaboration as a strategic marketing tool that not only enhances product sales but also strengthens brand loyalty and facilitates sustained brand growth.



This work was supported by the research grant of the KODISA Scholarship Foundation in 2024.


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