An Improved Reversible Data Hiding Technique using Histogram Characteristics and Double Encryption Technique

  • Soo-Mok Jung (Division of Computer Engineering, Sahmyook University)
  • 투고 : 2023.12.24
  • 심사 : 2024.01.24
  • 발행 : 2024.02.29


In this paper, we proposed an effective technique that uses location-based encryption technique and spatial encryption technique to improve security vulnerabilities in previous reversible data hiding technique that can hide twice as much confidential data as the NSAS technique. If the proposed technique is applied to hide confidential data in an image, the same amount of confidential data can be hidden compared to the previous technique, but the security of confidential data is greatly enhanced. By hiding confidential data in an image using the proposed technique, high-quality stego-image can be generated, making it impossible to visually distinguish whether confidential data is hidden in the image. Additionally, confidential data can be restored from stego-image without loss, and the original cover image can also be restored without loss. Through experiments, it was confirmed that when confidential data is hidden by applying the proposed technique, the quality of the stego-image is maintained up to 39.73dB, and the security of the stego-image is greatly strengthened.



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