보육교사의 전문성인식이 영유아권리존중 보육실행에 미치는 영향: 교사-부모 협력 관계의 매개 효과

The Effects of Teacher's Perception of Professionalism on Child-care Practice in Respect for Child's Rights: The Mediating Effects of Teacher-Parent Co-operation

  • 이수영 (한남대학교 아동복지학과) ;
  • 김수정 (한남대학교 아동복지학과)
  • 투고 : 2023.11.15
  • 심사 : 2024.01.08
  • 발행 : 2024.01.31


Objective: This research aims to examine whether the perception of professional competence among childcare teachers impacts the performance of respecting young children's rights, and whether the teacher-parent cooperative relationship mediates this association. Methods: The participants in this research were 220 teachers in Daejeon who assessed the performance of respecting young children's right, the perception of professional competence, and teacher-parent cooperative relationships through an online self-report questionnaire. The data collected in this study were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program. Results: Firstly, the results of examining the impact of the perception of professional competence among childcare teachers and the teacher-parent cooperation relationship on childcare that respects the rights of young children showed that each variable has a statistically significant influence. Secondly, it was found that the perception of professional competence among childcare teachers directly impacts the performance of respecting young children's rights and, indirectly, through the mediating role of teacher-parent cooperative relationships. Conclusion/Implications: To ensure high-quality childcare for young children, it is essential to consider not only professional perception but also the cooperative relationship between teacher and parent.



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