카무트밀 효소 식이가 Dextran Sulfate Sodium으로 유발한 대장염 마우스에 미치는 효과

Effects of Kamut Wheat Enzyme Diet on Dextran Sulfate Sodium-induced Colitis Mice

  • 길범주 (가천대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 백채윤 (가천대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 이준이 (가천대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 황예슬 (가천대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 최여진 (가천대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 손주희 (가천대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 유미애 (주식회사 메디크로) ;
  • 이동훈 (주식회사 그레인온) ;
  • 이동헌 (가천대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실)
  • Bum Ju Kil (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University) ;
  • Chae Yun Baek (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University) ;
  • Juni Lee (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University) ;
  • Ye Seul Hwang (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University) ;
  • Yeojin Choi (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University) ;
  • Joo Hee Son (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University) ;
  • Miae Yoo (Research Institute, MediCRO Co. Ltd) ;
  • Dong Hoon Lee (GrainOn Bio Co. Ltd) ;
  • Donghun Lee (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University)
  • 투고 : 2023.12.26
  • 심사 : 2024.01.25
  • 발행 : 2024.01.30


Objectives : Ulcerative colitis is a chronic recurrent inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. However, there are some drawbacks to long-term drug therapy such as the risk of opportunistic infections. Recently, there was an increasing interest on the use of khorasan Kamut wheat because of their higher value of selenium and fiber than modern wheat. The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of Kamut brand wheat enzyme (Kamut WE) diet on colon health in dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis mice. Methods : Female C57BL/6J mice were divided into 6 groups. (1) normal (Water and AIN-93G diet), (2) control (1.25% DSS and AIN-93G diet), (3) Kamut WE (1.25% DSS and Kamut WE diet), (4) normal (Water and AIN-93G diet), (5) control (2.50% DSS and AIN-93G diet), (6) Kamut WE (2.50% DSS and Kamut WE diet). Dietary intake, body weight change, disease activity index (DAI), colon length and spleen weight were monitored. Results : Kamut WE group alleviated colitis symptom, including dietary intake loss, DAI (weight loss, loose stools, bleeding), colon length shortening and spleen swelling. Further, Kamut WE diets showed a significant effect against pathological damage by the increased colon length, decreased DAI and spleen weight in DSS 1.25% as well as DSS 2.50%. Conclusions : Our study provides evidence that Kamut WE diet increased colon length, decreased DAI and spleen weight in intestinal inflammation.



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