The Impact of SNS Advertising and the Musical Characteristics of SNS Advertising on Advertising Performence

  • YiJie WANG (Department of Journalism and Advertising, Dongeui University) ;
  • EunJu PARK (Department of Advertising and P.R., Dongeui University) ;
  • KyoungSeop CHO (Department of Advertising and P.R., Dongeui University)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.16
  • 심사 : 2024.01.30
  • 발행 : 2024.02.29


Purpose: By studying the effects of SNS advertising characteristics and SNS advertising music characteristics conducted by companies on advertising preference and advertising effects, we would like to suggest a plan for effective SNS advertising operation. Research design, data and methodology: In this study, a total of 483 surveys were collected for college student consumers in their 20s who had experience seeing advertisements on SNS, and 458 were used for the final analysis. In addition, the collected questionnaire data were analyzed using statistical programs SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0, and Sobel Test was performed through structural equation modeling and regression analysis. Results: Advertising preference, purchase, and recommendation intentions increased as consumers who saw advertisements on SNS perceived the characteristics of advertisements (information, entertainment, individuality, and interactivity). However, advertising preference was not formed by SNS advertising music characteristics (fun, information delivery, unconscious stimulation, and emotional homogeneity). In addition, the higher the perception of SNS advertising music characteristics (fun, information delivery, unconscious stimulation, and emotional homogeneity), the more advertising effects such as purchase and recommendation intentions were linked, and the higher the perception of SNS advertising music characteristics (fun, information delivery, unconscious stimulation, and emotional homogeneity), the more advertising effects such as purchase and recommendation intentions could be created. Finally, it was confirmed that advertising preference had a partial mediating effect between SNS advertising characteristics and advertising effects, and between SNS advertising music characteristics and advertising effects. Conclusions: Unlike previous studies that have investigated the causal relationship of advertising effects according to sub-factors such as SNS advertising characteristics and SNS advertising music characteristics, it is significant in that it analyzes the variables used in the study as secondary factors.



This paper is excerpted and organized from WangYiJie's 2024 doctoral thesis.


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