본 연구는 원자력안전위원회의 재원으로 한국원자력 안전재단의 지원을 받아 수행한 원자력안전연구사업의 연구결과입니다(RS-2021-KN058010).
The study proposes an improved application of the the Riera method, which based on trial and error method, to aircraft engine impact analysis on spent nuclear fuel transport casks. The improved application was applied to the case where an aircraft engine simulation model collides with a rigid wall, and finite element explicit dynamic analysis was performed. In addition, the results of the improved application method were compared with those of the full model and the existing Riera method. The comparison results confirmed that the proposed improvement application is an efficient and reliable method that matches well with the full model.
본 연구는 원자력안전위원회의 재원으로 한국원자력 안전재단의 지원을 받아 수행한 원자력안전연구사업의 연구결과입니다(RS-2021-KN058010).