Is an Influencer's Follower Count Just a Number? The Effect of Influencer's Number of Followers on Moroccan Consumer Behavior in Electronic Trade and Distribution Science: Dyadic Approach

  • Imane MARGOM (Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of fez (USMBA), National School of Business and Management (ENCG)) ;
  • Mohammed Ben AMAR (National School of Business and Management (ENCG))
  • 투고 : 2024.08.28
  • 심사 : 2024.12.05
  • 발행 : 2024.12.30


Purpose: This study aims to explore the effect of an influencer's follower count on the attitudes and purchase intentions of Moroccan consumers on the Instagram platform, which has become one of the most utilized platforms in electronic trade and distribution science. Research Design and Methodology: To achieve this objective, we adopted a qualitative methodology that allows for a deeper understanding of our research problem through the perceptions and experiences of key stakeholders in this context. We conducted a comparative analysis of the views held by influencers and consumers through semi-structured interviews. Results: Our findings reveal significant divergences in the perceived effect of follower count on attitudes and purchase intentions. While some participants affirm a positive effect, viewing the influencer's follower count as a reflection of their popularity and credibility, others reference the theory of cultural conformism typical of collectivist societies like Morocco, suggesting that follower count influences behavior due to social pressures. Additionally, several respondents emphasize the importance of engagement rates, particularly highlighting the profiles of micro-influencers and the quality of the content published. Conclusions : This study contributes to a deeper understanding of influencer marketing within a Moroccan context, offering valuable insights into how follower count and engagement interact to shape consumer perceptions and behaviors.



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