A Trend Survey on Precision Positioning Technology for Drones

드론 정밀 측위 기술 동향

  • J.H. Lee ;
  • J. Jeon ;
  • K. Han ;
  • Y. Cho ;
  • C.D. Lim
  • 이정호 (도시.공간ICT연구실) ;
  • 전주일 (도시.공간ICT연구실) ;
  • 한경수 (도시.공간ICT연구실) ;
  • 조영수 (도시.공간ICT연구실) ;
  • 임채덕 (에어모빌리티연구본부)
  • Published : 2023.06.01


Drones, which were early operated by remote control, have evolved to enable autonomous flight by combining various sensors and software tools. In particular, autonomous flight of drones was possible since the application of GNSS-RTK (global navigation satellite system with real-time kinematic positioning), a precision satellite navigation technology. For instance, unmanned drone delivery based on GNSS-RTK data was demonstrated for pizza delivery in Korea for the first time in 2021. However, the vulnerabilities of GNSS-RTK should be overcome for delivery drones to be commercialized. In particular, jamming in the navigation system and low positioning accuracy in urban areas should be addressed. Solving these two problems can lead to stable flight, takeoff, and landing of drones in urban areas, and the corresponding solutions are expected to establish a hybrid positioning technology. We discuss current trends in hybrid positioning technology that can either replace or complement GNSS-RTK for stable drone autonomous flight.



이 논문은 과학기술정보통신부·경찰청이 공동 지원한 '폴리스랩 2.0 사업'의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구결과임[220122M09, 국민·경찰 참여기반 치안현장용 정밀측위 지원 플랫폼 구축].


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