Multi-task learning with contextual hierarchical attention for Korean coreference resolution

  • Received : 2021.08.25
  • Accepted : 2022.08.29
  • Published : 2023.02.20


Coreference resolution is a task in discourse analysis that links several headwords used in any document object. We suggest pointer networks-based coreference resolution for Korean using multi-task learning (MTL) with an attention mechanism for a hierarchical structure. As Korean is a head-final language, the head can easily be found. Our model learns the distribution by referring to the same entity position and utilizes a pointer network to conduct coreference resolution depending on the input headword. As the input is a document, the input sequence is very long. Thus, the core idea is to learn the word- and sentence-level distributions in parallel with MTL, while using a shared representation to address the long sequence problem. The suggested technique is used to generate word representations for Korean based on contextual information using pre-trained language models for Korean. In the same experimental conditions, our model performed roughly 1.8% better on CoNLL F1 than previous research without hierarchical structure.



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