A vision-based system for inspection of expansion joints in concrete pavement

  • Jung Hee Lee (Department of Artificial Intelligence, Ajou University) ;
  • bragimov Eldor (Research and Development Division, SISTech Co. Ltd) ;
  • Heungbae Gil (ICT Convergence Research Division, Korea Expressway Corporation Research Institute) ;
  • Jong-Jae Lee (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sejong University)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.30
  • 심사 : 2023.10.24
  • 발행 : 2023.11.25


The appropriate maintenance of highway roads is critical for the safe operation of road networks and conserves maintenance costs. Multiple methods have been developed to investigate the surface of roads for various types of cracks and potholes, among other damage. Like road surface damage, the condition of expansion joints in concrete pavement is important to avoid unexpected hazardous situations. Thus, in this study, a new system is proposed for autonomous expansion joint monitoring using a vision-based system. The system consists of the following three key parts: (1) a camera-mounted vehicle, (2) indication marks on the expansion joints, and (3) a deep learning-based automatic evaluation algorithm. With paired marks indicating the expansion joints in a concrete pavement, they can be automatically detected. An inspection vehicle is equipped with an action camera that acquires images of the expansion joints in the road. You Only Look Once (YOLO) automatically detects the expansion joints with indication marks, which has a performance accuracy of 95%. The width of the detected expansion joint is calculated using an image processing algorithm. Based on the calculated width, the expansion joint is classified into the following two types: normal and dangerous. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed system is very efficient in terms of speed and accuracy.



The authors acknowledge the editorial service of Mr. Ryan Lee at Cate School, Carpinteria, CA, USA such as translation, rephrasing, and Fig. drawings.


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