Towards a UTAUT Model for Acceptance of MOOCs

  • 투고 : 2023.11.05
  • 발행 : 2023.11.30


In many training institutions, the major advancement of Information Technology is having a profound impact on the way in which instructors teach and students learn, as well as how the two interact. The training process is continuing with the goal of enhancing the calibre of instruction and engagement. Top colleges and institutions have more recently developed a variety of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) systems centred on the development of new educational offering ways. These have not only captured the interest of students and scholars in the field of higher education, but also that of staff members in the private and public sectors. This study uses a Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to assess the top MOOC providers and pinpoint the key elements influencing learner acceptance of MOOCs in Saudi Arabian training. A total of 382 government trainees in Saudi Arabia participated in an online survey, the results of which underwent analysis using structural equation modelling. This study identifies the key elements influencing Saudi government employee trainees' intentions to use MOOCs, with the findings indicating that the suggested model can account for 86.2% of user behaviour and 88.5% of user intentions.



This work was supported by the institute of public administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Author is thankful for the support.


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