Cyber Threat Intelligence Traffic Through Black Widow Optimisation by Applying RNN-BiLSTM Recognition Model

  • Kanti Singh Sangher (School of IT, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) ;
  • Archana Singh (Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity University) ;
  • Hari Mohan Pandey (Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, School of Technology, Bournemouth University)
  • Received : 2023.11.05
  • Published : 2023.11.30


The darknet is frequently referred to as the hub of illicit online activity. In order to keep track of real-time applications and activities taking place on Darknet, traffic on that network must be analysed. It is without a doubt important to recognise network traffic tied to an unused Internet address in order to spot and investigate malicious online activity. Any observed network traffic is the result of mis-configuration from faked source addresses and another methods that monitor the unused space address because there are no genuine devices or hosts in an unused address block. Digital systems can now detect and identify darknet activity on their own thanks to recent advances in artificial intelligence. In this paper, offer a generalised method for deep learning-based detection and classification of darknet traffic. Furthermore, analyse a cutting-edge complicated dataset that contains a lot of information about darknet traffic. Next, examine various feature selection strategies to choose a best attribute for detecting and classifying darknet traffic. For the purpose of identifying threats using network properties acquired from darknet traffic, devised a hybrid deep learning (DL) approach that combines Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM). This probing technique can tell malicious traffic from legitimate traffic. The results show that the suggested strategy works better than the existing ways by producing the highest level of accuracy for categorising darknet traffic using the Black widow optimization algorithm as a feature selection approach and RNN-BiLSTM as a recognition model.



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