공학계열 대학생 물리 기초학력평가 문항분석 및 성취수준 설정 사례연구

A Case Study on Item Analysis and Standard Setting of the Physics Basic Ability Test for Engineering College Students

  • 이금호 (한국기술교육대학교 데이터성과센터) ;
  • 정혜경 (한국기술교육대학교 HRD학과)
  • Lee, Keumho (Center for Data & Outcomes, Korea University of Technology & Education) ;
  • Jung, Hyekyung (Department of Human Resource Development, Korea University of Technology & Education)
  • 투고 : 2023.11.01
  • 심사 : 2023.11.27
  • 발행 : 2023.11.30


This study is to examine the validity of assessing basic-level proficiency in physics among incoming engineering freshmen through item analysis and standard setting. For empirical analysis, we examined the physics subject taken by the freshman class of 2021 at K University, considering its significance for engineering students. In this study, we initially performed item analysis utilizing both classical test theory and item response theory. Subsequently, leveraging the item and test information, we employed a modified Angoff method and the Bookmark method for standard setting. Consequently, the difficulty level initially set during item development was found to be higher than the actual performance level exhibited by the students. This study highlights a discernible disparity between the expected university standard and the real proficiency level of incoming freshmen in terms of basic academic ability in physics. Based on these research findings, a comprehensive discussion on the fundamental academic competence of engineering students was conducted, underscoring the necessity for formulating a tailored learning approach leveraging the outcomes from the basic ability test.



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