Communication Failures During Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

  • Guzel Ahmet Turgut (Graduate School of Korea Maritime and Ocean University) ;
  • Wamugi Juilet Wangui (Graduate School of Korea Maritime and Ocean University) ;
  • Camliyurt Gokhan (Graduate School of Korea Maritime and Ocean University) ;
  • Dae-won Kim (Division of Marine Traffic Engineering Korea Maritime and Ocean University) ;
  • Young-soo Park (Division of Marine Traffic Engineering Korea Maritime and Ocean University)
  • Received : 2023.10.10
  • Accepted : 2023.10.31
  • Published : 2023.10.31


Chemical tankers handle a diverse range of cargo types, necessitating varied cargo handling procedures due to the hazards associated with each type. Consequently, operations require heightened precautions and attention. Any misinterpretation or oversight can result in irreversible accidents. The incidence of cargo overflow in prior chemical tanker operations was reported by 56.09% of 353 Turkish, Korean, and Indonesian participants in this study, substantiating the gravity of the matter. In this study, the variables that caused communication failure during cargo operations and countermeasures are discussed in detail. The analysis leveraged survey data processed using factor analysis via SPSS. All of the top five factors leading to communication failure were attributed to human errors. Notably, unfamiliarity with cargo operations emerged as the most prevalent cause of communication failures, and stopping a blaming culture was the first among the countermeasures. The identified causes of communication failures could be solved by the countermeasures suggested by the survey participants. The solutions will promote effective communication during hazardous cargo operations and subsequently contribute to safety with significant potential to provide valuable insight into companies operating a fleet of chemical tankers.



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