A survey on consumers' purchase status of clothing products via online platforms - Focusing on the demographic characteristics of men and women in their 10s to 50s -

소비자들의 온라인 플랫폼 의류제품 구매실태 조사 - 10대~50대 남녀의 인구통계학적 특성을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2023.09.01
  • Accepted : 2023.09.27
  • Published : 2023.10.31


This study aims to analyze the variations in online clothing purchasing patterns based on demographic attributes and purchasing behavior. The survey subjects comprised individuals in their 10s to 50s who had prior experience with online shopping. The survey was conducted in Gyungnam from May to June 2022. A total of 397 questionnaires were analyzed using the χ2-test statistical method. The analysis of clothing purchase type based on demographic characteristics revealed differences in terms of gender, marital status, age, monthly income, and occupation. Notably, when analyzed by demographic characteristics and clothing purchase types, monthly online purchase frequency displayed significant differences in marital status, age, and occupation. Similarly, monthly purchase amounts through online platforms exhibited significant variations based on marital status, age, monthly income, and occupation. The online fashion platforms, when examined in relation to demographic characteristics and purchase types, showed significant differences across all variables. Clothing purchases by consumers seeking individuality and differentiation exhibited significant differences in age, occupation, and purchase types. Furthermore, the reasons for choosing online platforms for clothing purchases varied significantly based on age and occupation. These findings indicate diverse purchasing behaviors on online platforms influenced by demographic characteristics. These findings can be valuable for effectively segmenting the online fashion market.



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