조선시대 주요 의료 관련 쟁점과 관심사 - 시행법령을 중심으로

Major Medical Issues and Interests in the Joseon Dynasty - Focusing on Enforcement Laws

  • 박훈평 (동신대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • PARK Hun-pyeong (Dept. of Medical Classics & Medical History, College of Korean Medicine, Dong Shin University)
  • 투고 : 2023.04.10
  • 심사 : 2023.04.24
  • 발행 : 2023.05.31


Through this paper, all the provisions of the enforcement statutes stipulated in the Joseon's law code were investigated and major medical issues and interests in the Joseon Dynasty were analyzed. The characteristics of each period reviewed in the text are as follows. The early Joseon Dynasty is divided into three periods. First of all, Joseon filled the gap in the law with the active acceptance of the Ming Dynasty's law code, Daemyeongrul, which conformed to Confucian virtue. Next, the completion of Gyeonggukdaejeon was an opportunity to prepare the basis for Joseon's medical laws. Lastly, from the late 15th century to the 16th century, the existing medicine promotion measures and emphasis on hyangyak(domestic herb) continued. it can be said that Joseon's politicians needed a medical policy based on Confucian virtues and maintained state-led promotion policies, but on the other hand, there was no other alternative to try newly by reflecting the limitations and failures of the policy. The late Joseon Dynasty is also divided into three periods. First of all, the period from the late 16th century to the early 18th century was marked by the growth of families in technical positions. The era of King Yeongjo can be said to be the period of reorganization of medical related laws. Finally, the period after the late 18th century is a period of passive regulation and supplementation. Lastly, the revision of the actual medical law was not made or reflected in era of King Jeongjo. In the case of the early Joseon Dynasty, the policy shifted from state-led to families in technical positions. However, in the 19th century, the weakening of the royal authority led to the weakening of the overall administrative system of the country, and the pharmaceutical policy had to be limited.



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