Changes in the Adjunct professor system of medical offices in the Joseon Dynasty

조선시대 의료관청의 겸교수 제도의 변화

  • PARK Hun-pyeong (Dept. of Medical Classics & Medical History, College of Korean Medicine, Dong Shin University)
  • 박훈평 (동신대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Received : 2023.03.06
  • Accepted : 2023.03.22
  • Published : 2023.05.31


To be an adjunct professor(gyeomgyosu) literally means to act as an instructor while also holding a different position. Adjunct professors were initially introduced under Confucianism. Gradually, technical offices also appointed adjunct professors using Confucian-educated bureaucrats for the purpose of educating lower-level technical officials and cadets. This paper examines the history of the civil service system related to adjunct professors through the Code of Laws, and examines those who have been appointed to the public office described in various documents. This paper argues that changes in the medical office's adjunct professor system reflect changes in the national medical talent training policy. The main basis of specific recognizing medical personnel is to decouple the appointment of Confucian scholars from that of full-time doctors. The replacement of the role of medical educators from Confucian scholars to full-time doctors was largely accomplished during the reign of King Jungjong(中宗) and was completed during the period of King Injo(仁祖). The time when Euiyakdongcham was created and the Office of Euiyakdongcham was established coincided with the period when the adjunct professor was disrupted in the medical office. However, this change in the adjunct professor system of medical authorities is in contrast to interpretation, which is a representative technical field. In the case of interpretation, Moonshin's sayeogwon position as adjunct professor was maintained even in the late Joseon Dynasty, and apart from this, there was a hanhagmunsin in Seungmunwon. Interpreter families had institutional arrangements that prevented them from making interpretation their own monopoly. Therefore, families of medical bureaucrats had more room for institutional growth than those of bureaucratic interpreters. Of course, these institutional devices did not prevent the growth of interpreting bureaucratic families in the late Joseon Dynasty. However, the situation in which medicine was accepted only as a kind of knowledge, not as an object of full-time work for sadaebue, would have been an opportunity to rise for those in technical jobs who were full-time medicine. As medicine became more differentiated and developed in the late Joseon Dynasty, medical knowledge and the knowledge about the medical profession became more important. The politicians could not avoid the use of a philosophically oriented system in which a confucian-educated bureaucrat equipped with only Confucian knowledge might replace a full-time doctor. Thus, the contradiction between the reality and the ideal of ignoring or denying reality was reproduced like other Confucian-centered societies. These contradictions have implications for us living in the modern age. Establishing the relationship between philosophy (or belief) and technology should not end with the superiority of one side or the other.



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