Stability-based On-demand Multi-path Distance Vector Protocol for Edge Internet of Things

  • Dongzhi Cao (Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology) ;
  • Peng Liang (China Center for International Economic Exchanges) ;
  • Tongjuan Wu (Beijing HIWING Scientific and Technological Information Institute) ;
  • Shiqiang Zhang (Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology) ;
  • Zhenhu Ning (Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2023.04.27
  • 심사 : 2023.08.18
  • 발행 : 2023.10.31


In edge computing scenarios, IoT end devices play a crucial role in relaying and forwarding data to significantly improve IoT network performance. However, traditional routing mechanisms are not applicable to this scenario due to differences in network size and environment. Therefore, it becomes crucial to establish an effective and reliable data transmission path to ensure secure communication between devices. In this paper, we propose a trusted path selection strategy that comprehensively considers multiple attributes, such as link stability and edge cooperation, and selects a stable and secure data transmission path based on the link life cycle, energy level, trust level, and authentication status. In addition, we propose the Stability-based On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (STAOMDV) protocol based on the Ad hoc AOMDV protocol. The STAOMDV protocol implements the collection and updating of link stability attributes during the route discovery and maintenance process. By integrating the STAOMDV protocol with the proposed path selection strategy, a dependable and efficient routing mechanism is established for IoT networks in edge computing scenarios. Simulation results validate that the proposed STAOMDV model achieves a balance in network energy consumption and extends the overall network lifespan.


1. Introduction

The openness of the Internet of Things (IoT) network poses significant challenges in ensuring secure and efficient data transmission. This is particularly crucial in edge computing scenarios [1], where IoT devices provide external services, necessitating a secure data transmission mechanism to deliver high-quality services. Smart devices such as smartphones and tablets can enhance IoT network performance by relaying data [2]. Therefore, the development of effective routing mechanisms becomes vital to optimize IoT network performance in edge computing scenarios. By addressing security concerns and designing efficient data routing, the full potential of IoT and edge computing can be realized to provide seamless integration and reliable services for a variety of applications.

Edge computing is a paradigm that brings computing and data processing closer to the data sources, reducing latency and network congestion [3]. As a result, IoT devices at the edge can handle data locally, leading to improved response times and enhanced user experience. This distributed architecture not only alleviates the burden on the central cloud infrastructure but also enables real-time data analysis, critical for time-sensitive applications like autonomous vehicles and industrial automation [4]. However, the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of edge environments poses new challenges in terms of network size expansion, device mobility, and resource constraints. Frequent device mobility can lead to link disruptions and topology changes, causing routing paths to become unstable and unreliable [5]. Additionally, the limited energy of IoT nodes in edge scenarios necessitates the development of energy-efficient routing mechanisms to prolong the network's lifespan [6]. Moreover, due to the open nature of IoT networks, they are vulnerable to security threats, such as data tampering and unauthorized access, demanding robust security measures at the routing level [7].

Traditional routing protocols for IoT networks, such as Destination Sequence Distance Vector Routing Protocol (DSDR) [8], Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) [9], and Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (AODV) [10], use different criteria to select the routing path. However, they fail to consider the impact of malicious nodes on data forwarding. With the increasing incidence of security issues in IoT networks, security has become an essential consideration in routing algorithm design [11][12]. As a result, trusted routing protocols based on trust have emerged as a research hotspot [13][14]. Such protocols can address security issues associated with data forwarding in IoT networks and ensure the reliability and safety of data transmission [15].

However, the more complex network environment of IoT in edge computing scenarios, such as network size expansion, device mobility, and limited energy of nodes, makes existing trusted routing algorithms less suitable [16]. To address these challenges, a trusted routing mechanism based on edge cooperation is proposed. This mechanism defines and models the link stability attribute between devices based on the possibility of link loss caused by device mobility, energy depletion, and trust relationship changes. Trusted path selection is then achieved based on this stability attribute [17]. The strong data forwarding ability of the edge server is used to avoid selecting excessively long data transmission paths when the source node and destination node are not in the same trust domain. Finally, multi-path routing between nodes is established based on the Ad-hoc On-demand Multi-path Distance Vector (AOMDV) protocol [18][19], and the link stability attributes of paths are collected.

The above challenges and limitations highlight the critical need for a new routing mechanism tailored specifically for edge computing scenarios. The new routing mechanism must not only prioritize secure data transmission but also adapt to the dynamic nature of the IoT network in such environments. By developing a trusted path selection strategy that accounts for link stability, energy levels, and trust relationships, we can achieve a dependable and efficient routing mechanism for IoT networks in edge computing scenarios [20][21]. This will not only enhance the overall network performance but also safeguard against potential security threats, providing a robust foundation for various IoT applications in real-world settings.

In this paper, we propose a novel Stability-based On-demand Multi-path Distance Vector (STAOMDV) algorithm that addresses the unique challenges of edge computing scenarios in IoT networks. The STAOMDV algorithm comprehensively considers the link life cycle, capability level, and trust level to improve network performance while ensuring security. By integrating the proposed trusted path selection strategy with the STAOMDV algorithm, we establish a dependable and efficient routing mechanism for IoT networks in edge computing scenarios. Our contribution is to provide an innovative approach that addresses the limitations of existing routing protocols, facilitates secure data transmission, and improves the overall reliability and efficiency of IoT networks in edge computing environments.

The organizational structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 presents an overview of the system's model, focusing on the network model and the utilization of a directed weighted graph. Section 3 introduces the trusted path selection policy, which considers link life cycle, energy level, trust level, and authentication status to optimize data forwarding quality and security in edge computing scenarios. In Section 4, the design and implementation of the STAOMDV routing protocol are explicated, outlining how it achieves stability-based multipath routing in edge environments. Section 5 elucidates the results of our experimental analysis, providing empirical evidence of the proposed model's effectiveness and benefits. Finally, Section 6 encapsulates the main findings of this study in the form of a comprehensive summary and outlines potential future research directions in this field.

2. System Model

A trusted routing mechanism for edge computing scenarios is proposed, and the network model involved will be detailed in this section. The network model is abstracted as a directed weighted graph for better description. This abstraction allows for a more precise depiction of the network's topology, enabling a rigorous examination of the proposed mechanism's effectiveness and performance in the context of edge computing scenarios.

2.1 Network model

A multi-trust domain scenario is considered, where each trust domain contains multiple mobile Internet of Things (IoT) devices and an edge server infrastructure called Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), such as base stations (BS), gateways, and roadside units (RSU). IoT devices within the same trust domain form a mobile ad hoc network through self-organization [22]. In the mobile ad hoc network, device collaboration relies on data exchange, and two devices that are not within each other's communication range need to rely on other intermediate nodes to forward data transmission. Data transmission is achieved by establishing multi-hop routing between the source node and the destination node. However, due to the large scale of the IoT network, too many forwarding hops may cause an unstable transmission path for distant destination nodes. Therefore, in this paper, routing planning is achieved through the partitioning of trust domains. As shown in Fig. 1, the communication modes include Deviceto-Device (D2D) communication, Device-to-MEC (D2M) communication, and MEC-to-MEC (M2M) communication.

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Fig. 1. Network model

2.2 Directed weighted graph

In order to facilitate the description and analysis, the network model is abstracted as a directed weighted graph:

G = {N, E, W}       (1)

where, N = {n1, n2, …, nN} represents the mobile device in the network, E = {eij |i, j ∈ N} represents the edge set and W represents the set of weights for edges. Specifically, eij represents the connection relationship between nodes ni and nj . If the two are within the communication range of each other, then eij = eji = 1 . The weights of edge eij consist of a set of attribute values represented as < L(ni, nj), E(ni, nj), T(ni, nj), Auth(ni, nj) >. Among these attributes, L(ni, nj) represents the lifecycle, E(ni, nj) represents the energy level, T(ni, nj) represents the trust level, and Auth(ni, nj) represents the authentication status. The specific meanings of these attributes will be explained in the next section. We use Ps→d = {P1, P2, …}to represent the set of paths from a source node to a destination node, and Ps=< ns, n1s, …, nms, nd >, Ps ∈ Ps→d represents the nodes traversed in sequence Ps .

3. Trusted Path Selection Policy

The traditional AOMDV routing protocol may not be suitable for edge computing scenarios as IoT devices are often resource-constrained and operate in dynamic and unpredictable environments. Therefore, a trusted path selection strategy is necessary to improve the quality and security of data forwarding. The proposed strategy selects the best route based on a combination of link life cycle, energy level, and trust level and authentication status. Link life cycle refers to the expected operational duration of a link, based on its historical behavior. Energy level refers to the remaining battery life of a node, an important consideration for IoT devices with limited energy resources. Trust level refers to a node's reputation in the network, evaluated based on historical behavior and interactions with other nodes. By considering all three factors, the proposed strategy enables the selection of an optimal route that not only optimizes network performance but also ensures security by avoiding potential disruptions caused by malicious nodes during data forwarding.

3.1 Link life cycle

In edge computing scenarios, the mobility of IoT devices can lead to the disconnection of link connections between adjacent devices as they move. Therefore, the consideration of link lifecycle becomes crucial when selecting routes. The link lifecycle is defined as the duration of the connection between two nodes and is estimated based on the relative speed of the two nodes. Due to the mobility of IoT devices, the link connection between adjacent devices may break, making it essential to factor in the link lifecycle when routes are being chosen. Specifically, for the link lifecycle between adjacent nodes, it can be estimated based on the relative speed of the two nodes.

As shown in Fig. 2, assuming that at time t0 , node nj is at point a and its distance from node ni is d0 , and at time t1 , node nj is at point b and its distance from node ni is d1 . Node nj reaches the maximum communication distance R with node ni at point c . The values of d0 and d1 can be estimated based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) [23], and the angle is θ1 . Using the estimated values of d0 and d1 based on RSSI, as well as θ1 , we can calculate the link lifetime Lij between nodes ni and nj .

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Fig. 2. Illustration of link time between neighboring nodes

According to the cosine law, the relative displacement of node nj 's movement within time interval ∆t can be calculated as:

\(\begin{aligned}y=\sqrt{d_{0}^{2}+d_{1}^{2}-2 d_{0} d_{1} \cos \theta_{1}}\end{aligned}\)       (2)

According to the sine theorem, it can be obtained that:

\(\begin{aligned}\frac{d_{1}}{\sin \theta_{2}}=\frac{y}{\sin \theta_{1}}, \frac{d_{0}}{\sin \theta_{3}}=\frac{R}{\sin \theta_{2}}\end{aligned}\)       (3)

Then it can be solved sequentially to get θ2, θ3, then we can get θ4 = 180° - θ2 - θ3. The distance between b of nj and the point c beyond the communication distance of ni the node can be calculated:

\(\begin{aligned}x=\sqrt{R^{2}+d_{1}^{2}-2 R d_{1} \cos \theta_{4}}\end{aligned}\)       (4)

The moving speed of nj can be calculated as following:

\(\begin{aligned}v_{j}=\frac{y}{\Delta t}\end{aligned}\)       (5)

where ∆t = t1 − t0 .

From the above formula, the life cycle of link ni → nj can be estimated as:

\(\begin{aligned}L\left(n_{i}, n_{j}\right)=\frac{x}{v_{j}}\end{aligned}\)       (6)

For the path Ps , there are multiple nodes, then its link life cycle is determined by the link with the shortest life cycle in Ps , described as:

LPs = min{L(ns, n1s), L(n1s, n2s),…, L(nms, nd)}       (7)

3.2 Link energy level

Limited by the limitations of the device itself, the link between nodes will also be disconnected when the device energy is too low. Therefore, choosing a path with higher energy level can effectively ensure the stability of the link. We use the remaining energy ratio to describe the energy level of the device. The remaining energy ratio of node a is defined as:

\(\begin{aligned}R E R_{j}=\frac{E_{j}^{\text {residual }}}{E_{j}^{\text {initial }}}\end{aligned}\)       (8)

where Eresidualj represents the remaining energy of nj , while Einitialj represents the initial energy of nj .

The link energy level of link ni → nj depends on the energy level of the next hop node:

E(ni, nj) = RERj       (9)

For a path Ps with multiple hop nodes, the energy level of the link is determined by the node with the lowest energy level among all the intermediate nodes it passes through. From this, the energy level of link Ps can be obtained as:

EPs = min{RERn1s, RERn2s,…, RERnms}       (10)

3.3 Link trust level

Due to the existence of malicious or selfish nodes in the IoT environment, the data forwarding process may be subject to malicious attacks. Therefore, selecting a trusted data forwarding path is crucial for the security of routing. In this paper, we select a high-trust path based on the trust value of nodes. The trust calculation method has been implemented in our previous work [24], mainly through the assistance of edge servers to measure the trust between nodes. Specifically, we select trust attributes related to data forwarding to measure the trust of forwarding nodes, mainly including data packet successful forwarding rate, data packet duplication rate, and communication delay.

Data packet successful forwarding rate refers to the ratio of the number of correctly forwarded packets to the number of packets that should have been forwarded [25]. The trust component corresponding to the data packet successful forwarding rate is calculated as:

\(\begin{aligned}d t_{F C R}\left(n_{i}, n_{j}\right)=F C R\left(n_{i}, n_{j}\right)=\frac{F P N_{i j}(\Delta \tau)}{R P N_{i j}(\Delta \tau)}\end{aligned}\)       (11)

where, FPNij (∆τ) represents the number of packets that nj successfully forwarded within a certain time interval ∆τ , and RPNij (∆τ) represents the number of packets that nj was requested to forward within a certain time interval ∆τ .

The data packet duplication rate refers to the proportion of forwarded duplicate packets. This rate is used to effectively identify the attack and can be calculated as follows:

\(\begin{aligned}\operatorname{PRR}\left(n_{i}, n_{j}\right)=\frac{P R N_{i j}(\Delta \tau)}{P N_{i j}(\Delta \tau)}\end{aligned}\)       (12)

where, PRNij (∆τ) represents the number of forwarded packets that are duplicates within a certain time interval ∆τ by node nj , and PNij (∆τ) represents the number of packets that nj was requested to forward within a certain time interval ∆τ .

The trust metric calculated through data packet duplication rate calculation is shown as:

\(\begin{aligned}d t_{P R R}\left(n_{i}, n_{j}\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}2-\alpha^{b} & b<\delta \\ 0 & \text { otherwise }\end{array}\right.\end{aligned}\)       (13)

where, α >1, b = PRR(ni, nj) , αδ = 2.The closer the data packet duplication rate of a node is to the threshold, the more likely it is that the node is a malicious node.

Communication delay refers to the communication delay of data transmission between nodes, which should fluctuate within a normal range. In particular, for delay-sensitive services, if the communication delay is too long, the likelihood of nodes launching malicious behavior increases [26]. Assuming the delay when nj forwards the data packet to ni is Delay (ni, nj) , the calculation of the trust component corresponding to the communication delay is shown as:

\(\begin{aligned}d t_{\text {Delay }}\left(n_{i}, n_{j}\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}\beta^{\frac{d-\sigma}{\sigma}} & d \ldots \sigma \\ 1 & \text { otherwise }\end{array}\right.\end{aligned}\)       (14)

where, β = 0.01 , d = Delay (ni, nj) ,the threshold σ is dependent on the specific message.

Combining the three trust attributes related to communication behavior mentioned above, ni can obtain the overall trust Trustij of nj . From this, the trust level of Link ni → nj can be obtained as:

T(ni, nj) = Trustij       (15)

For path Ps , which involves multiple nodes, the trust level is determined by the link with the lowest trust level. From this, the trust level of Link Ps can be obtained as:

TPs = min{T(ns, n1s), T(n1s, n2s),…, T(nms, nd)}       (16)

3.4 Link authentication status

In an open IoT environment, unauthenticated and unauthorized nodes can threaten the security and privacy of nodes. To ensure high security for data transmission, it is essential to select an authenticated link for the data transmission process. If adjacent nodes ni and nj implement mutual authentication, the identity authentication status of Link eij and eji is 1, i.e., Auth(ni, nj) = Auth(nj, ni) = 1 , otherwise it is 0.

For path Ps , if all the nodes it passes through and the next-hop node implement mutual authentication, then the path authentication status is 1, i.e., AuthPs = 1, otherwise AuthPs = 0.

By controlling the authentication status of nodes along the data forwarding path, it becomes feasible to effectively prevent unauthorized malicious nodes from discarding or tampering with data packets. This ensures the seamless transmission of data that demands high security. Conversely, for data with lower security requirements, where security is not a major concern, priority can be given to efficiency. In such cases, it is permissible to allow data forwarding by nodes that have not undergone identity authentication.

3.5 Trusted path selection strategy

The link's lifecycle, energy level, and trust level can all describe the stability of the link from different perspectives. This section will integrate the three factors of link stability to implement a trusted path selection strategy. Assuming that the set of alternative paths from source node ns to destination node nd is Ps→d = {P1, P2,..., Pk}, the link stability of the alternative path Ps ∈ Ps is calculated as:

STA(Ps) = w1LPs + w2EPs + w3TPs       (17)

where, w1, w2, w3 represent the weights of the link's lifecycle, energy level, and trust level, respectively.

Obviously, the trusted path selection based on link stability is a multi-attribute decision-making process. In the decision-making process, if an attribute only produces small differences among all alternative options, it means that the impact of this attribute on the decision-making process is small. In other words, the greater the difference in the attribute values among all alternative options, the greater the influence of this attribute on the decision-making process. Objective information entropy can be employed to measure the extent of attribute dispersion, enabling the determination of weights for the mentioned attributes. The attribute matrix is formed by the decision attributes of all paths in the set of alternative paths, which is shown as follows:

\(\begin{aligned}A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} \\ \ldots & \ldots & \ldots \\ a_{k 1} & a_{k 2} & a_{k 3}\end{array}\right]\end{aligned}\)       (18)

where, ak1 = LPk, ak2 = EPk and ak3 = TPk.

First, the attribute matrix is normalized to obtain a normalized matrix A' , which is denoted as A for convenience. Then, objective information entropy is used to calculate the weights. The information entropy of attribute i is calculated as:

Ej = -ln(k)Σki=1pijlnpij, j = 1, 2, 3       (19)

\(\begin{aligned}p_{i j}=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}a_{i j} / \sum_{i=1}^{k} a_{i j} & \sum_{i=1}^{k} a_{i j} \neq 0 \\ 0 & \text { otherwise }\end{array}\right.\end{aligned}\)       (20)

Then, the weights of each attribute are calculated as followed:

wi = (1 - Ei)/(3 - Σ3j=1Ej)       (21)

Therefore, based on equations 17 - 21, the link stability of all paths in the set of alternative paths can be calculated, and the optimal path can be selected as the data transmission path, as shown in Algorithm 1. In the scenario considered in this paper, the source node and destination node may be located in different trust domains, as shown in Fig. 3. In this case, the best communication mode and path are selected by evaluating the stability of links under different communication modes, where the red path represents the hybrid mode, which is achieved through the collaboration of edge servers for data forwarding, including D2D, D2M, and M2M communication modes; and the green path only includes the D2D mode. In the path selection process, all paths in the routing table with the destination nodes of both nd and MEC are taken as the set of alternative paths, and the link stability of all paths in the set is evaluated, and the highest one is selected as the data transmission path.

Algorithm 1 Trusted Path Selection Algorithm

Input: Source node ns , Destination node nd , Candidate path set to ndPs→d , Candidate path set to MEC

Output: Best transmission path Ps

1: if esd = 1 then

2: Directly transmit data from ns to nd , i.e., Ps = {ns, nd} ;

3: Return Ps ;

4: end if

5: if ns and nd are in the same trust domain then

6: Initialize the candidate path set Ps = Ps→d ;

7: Build the decision attribute matrix A based on the candidate path set Ps ;

8: Calculate the attribute weights w1, w2, w3 according to Equations 19-21;

9: Calculate the link stability {STAPs' | Ps' ∈ Ps} of all candidate paths according to Equation 17;

10: Ps = argmax{STAPs' | Ps' ∈ Ps} ;

11: else

12: Ps = Ps→d ∪ Ps→MEC ;

13: Select the best path Ps = argmax{STAPs' | Ps' ∈ Ps} according to Steps 7-10; %If Ps∈ Ps→d , select the D2D mode for data transmission. If Ps∈ Ps→MEC , select the hybrid mode for data transmission;

14: end if

15: return Ps ;

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Fig. 3. Edge-cooperative-based data forwarding path selection

In the above link-stability-based path selection, if there are multiple paths with maximum link stability, more than one optimal path is selected, then the path with the least number of hops is chosen as the final data transmission path. If there are still multiple paths selected based on path hops and link stability, then one of them is randomly selected.

4. STAOMDV: Stability-based On-demand Multi-path Distance Vector

The STAOMDV routing algorithm involves the discovery of multiple paths from the source node to the destination node, followed by the collection of relevant decision attributes, and ultimately selecting trustworthy routes based on link stability. This section presents a comprehensive depiction of the workflow of the STAOMDV routing protocol. It begins with an overview of the overall routing process of STAOMDV, followed by detailed descriptions of the routing information table design, the routing discovery process, and the routing maintenance process.

4.1 STAOMDV routing process

Algorithm 2 STAOMDV routing algorithm

Input: source node ns ;destination node nd ;authentication status requirement Tag

Output: best transmission path Ps

1: Query the routing table to obtain the set of candidate routes that meet the authentication status requirements Ps→d ;

2: if Ps→d = NULL then

3: Generate the RREQ message and broadcast it;


5: Receive the RREP message;

6: Construct the corresponding routing table entry;

7: else

8: return;

9: end if

10: end if

11: if ns and nd are in the same trust domain then

12: Query the routing table for the set of alternative route Ps→d ;

13: else

14: Repeat step 1-10 with MEC as the destination node;

15: Construct the candidate paths set Ps→MEC ;

16: end if

17: Get the best transmission path Ps according to Algorithm 1; % ns sends data according to Ps and listens to neighboring nodes for forwarding, then updates the trust and maintains the route.

18: return Ps ;

As depicted in Algorithm 2, the STAOMDV routing process primarily consists of the following steps:

Step 1: When the source node ns has data to send to the destination node nd , it first checks whether there is a routing table entry in the routing table that meets the authentication requirements and can reach the destination node nd . If such an entry exists, the source node ns constructs the candidate paths set Ps→d ; otherwise, it proceeds to execute Step 2.

Step 2: The source node ns generates a route request message RREQ as required and broadcasts it. If it receives a route reply message RREP within the valid time, it constructs the candidate paths set Ps→d ; otherwise, the program ends.

Step 3: ns determines whether it is in the same trust domain as nd , if not, find the route or perform route discovery process with MEC as the destination node and get the candidate paths set Ps→MEC .

Step 4: Call Algorithm 1 to obtain the optimal trusted path Ps .

Step 5: ns sends data according to the obtained optimal path and listens to the neighboring nodes, then updates the trust value to the neighboring nodes and maintains the routes.

The above routing discovery and routing maintenance process will be described in detail later, and the trust value of nodes is regularly maintained to detect malicious neighboring nodes in a timely manner.

4.2 Routing information table

Each node in the STAOMDV routing protocol needs to maintain a routing information table to store its routing information to other nodes. As shown in Fig. 4, compared to the standard AOMDV routing protocol, the STAOMDV routing table has four additional fields , ,, LP, EP, TP, AuthP to store the three link stability attributes and link authentication status mentioned in the previous section.

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Fig. 4. Routing table structure of STAOMDV

Compared to the routing information table in the standard AOMDV routing protocol, four new fields are added, which increases the storage consumption of the nodes. Considering the limited storage resources of the nodes, we consider the integer data between to represent the three fields to reduce the storage consumption of the nodes.

4.3 Routing discovery process

AOMDV routing protocol is an on-demand multipath routing protocol. When a node needs to transmit data, it needs to select a trusted path from the set of alternative paths for data transmission. If the set of alternative paths is empty or none of them meet its requirements, the node needs to perform route discovery process to discover multiple paths to the destination node. The route discovery process is accomplished by two control messages, Route Request (RREQ) and Route Reply (RREP) [27][28]. The transmission of the two messages, RREQ and RREP, is used to establish routing relationships between nodes and to collect path stability properties.

4.3.1 Routing request

As shown in Fig. 5, the routing request message RREQ in STAOMDV contains the following fields: (1) RREQ ID, which indicates the identification number of the route request message; (2) Destination IP Address, which indicates the IP address of the destination node; (3) Destination Sequence Number, which indicates the destination node sequence number; (4) Source IP Address, which indicates the IP address of the source node; (5) Source Sequence Number, which indicates the source node sequence number; (6) First Hop, which indicates the first forwarding node through which the route request message passed; (7) ReverseLP, represents the life cycle of the reverse path; (8)ReverseEP, represents the energy level of the reverse path; (9) ReverseTP , represents the trust level of the reverse path; (10) ReverseAuthP, represents the authentication status of the reverse path; (11) Tag, represents the authentication status required by the source node. The last four fields are unique to STAOMDV to store the link stability properties and authentication status of the reverse path, which is continuously updated by RREQ during propagation to establish a path for the node in the opposite direction of RREQ propagation.

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Fig. 5. RREQ packet structure of STAOMDV routing protocol

When the source node constructs a route request message, it sets the fields FirstHop to NULL, ReverseLP , ReverseEP , ReverseTP and ReverseAuthP to NULL, 1, 1, and NULL, respectively. Intermediate nodes in different states handle the RREQ message differently when they receive it. Suppose an intermediate node nu receives an RREQ message broadcasted by a neighbor node nv , its processing is as follows:

Step 1: Determine whether the remaining energy of itself is at the normal level, whether the trust value of the neighbor node is within the security range, whether the hop count of the current RREQ message is within the maximum hop count and whether the authentication status is consistent with the source node requirement, i.e., determine whether RERu > THENE & &Trustuv > THTR & &Hopcount,, THhop is satisfied. If it is satisfied, Step 2 is executed; otherwise, the RREQ message is discarded.

Step 2: Check whether a routing table entry to the node nv exists in the routing table. If not, create a route to the node nv in the routing table and set the value of the field storing the link stability attribute as LP = L(nu, nv), EP = 1, TP = T(nu, nv) and AuthP = Auth (nu, nv) .

Step 3: Check if the same RREQ message is received. If yes, determine whether the reverse route constructed by the current RREQ message copy intersects with the reverse route link constructed by the previous RREQ message copy, and if so, discard the RREQ message copy and end the procedure; otherwise, execute Step 4.

Step 4: If the reverse route constructed from the later received copy of the RREQ message is larger than all the reverse route hops to the source node existing in the current routing table and the calculated link stability is lower, discard the copy of the RREQ message and terminate the procedure; otherwise, execute Step 5.

Step 5: If nu is not the source node, create a reverse route with the source node as the destination node and set the routing table fields as LP = min{ReverseLP, L(nu, nv)}, TP = min{ReverseTP, T (nu, nv)} and authentication status is set according to the definition.

Step 6: If a route with nd as the destination node exists in nu 's routing table, and satisfies Sequence Number Destination Sequence Number > and meets the required authentication status, nu generates a route answer message and unicasts it to nv ; otherwise, Step 7 is executed.

Step 7: nu first determines whether it is the first hop node, and if so, sets FirstHop = nu, ReverseLP = L(nu, nv), ReverseAuthP = Auth(nu, nv) . Then update the other fields of RREQ as HopCount = HopCount +1 , ReverseLP = min(ReverseLP, L(nu, nv)), ReverseEP = min(ReverseEP, ENEu), ReverseTP = min(ReverseTP, T(nu, nv)) and set ReverseAuthP according to the definition. Finally, nu broadcasts the updated RREQ message to the neighboring nodes.

In the processing of the above route request message RREQ, by judging whether the previous hop node is a malicious node before processing, such as node A in Fig. 6(a), the propagation of malicious messages made by malicious nodes is blocked in time to reduce unnecessary network overhead; by judging its own energy level to choose whether to continue to forward RREQ messages, such as node B in Fig. 6(b), when the energy level is too low, it does not forward the RREQ messages so that it does not participate in the forwarding of other new routes and only participates in the data forwarding of existing routes. In addition, the maximum number of hops for node route establishment is controlled by the hop count threshold THhop , so that route establishment is restricted to nodes within the same domain or adjacent domains to avoid long paths, which can usually be determined by the optimal number of hops between the two nodes with the farthest distance in the trust domain.

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Fig. 6. Discard handling in RREQ message transmission:(a) malicious node exists; (b) node energy level is low

4.3.2 Routing reply

As shown in Fig. 7, the routing reply message RREP in STAOMDV contains the following fields: (1) Destination IP Address, which represents the IP address of the destination node; (2) Destination Sequence Number, which represents the serial number of the destination node; (3) Source IP Address, which represents the IP address of the source node; (4) Source Sequence Number, which represents the serial number of the source node; (5) First Hop, which represents the first forwarding node through which this routed reply message passes; (6) LifeTime, which represents the valid time of the RREP and is valid only for messages received within the valid time; (7) ForwardLP , which represents the life cycle of the forward path; (8) ForwardEP , which represents the energy level of the forward path; (9) ForwardTP , which represents the trust level of the forward path; (10) ForwardAuthP , which represents the authentication status of the forward path. Similar to the RREQ message, the last four fields are used to store the link stability attributes and path authentication status of the forward path, respectively.

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Fig. 7. RREP packet structure of STAOMDV routing protocol

There are two situations in which a route reply message (RREP) is generated:

(1) When there is a route to the destination node nd in the routing table of the intermediate node nu , and the sequence number of this routing table entry is newer than that of RREQ, the RREP message is generated. The FirstHop, ForwardLP, ForwardEP and ForwardTP fields in the RREP are respectively set to the LastHop, LP, min{ENEu, EP} and TP from the queried routing table entry. It is then unicasted to node nv .

(2) When the destination node nd receives the RREQ message from a neighbor, it generates the route reply message RREP. If the Destination Sequence Number is equal to the sequence number maintained by itself, the maintained sequence number is incremented by one; if they are equal, the maintained sequence number remains unchanged. Field settings are similar to when generating the RREQ message. The RREP is then unicasted to the neighbor node that sent the RREQ, and nd only replies to the first RREQ sent by the same neighboring node.

When an intermediate node nu receives an RREP from node nv , its processing procedure is as follows:

Step 1: Node nu checks its routing table for a route to node nv . If no route exists, it creates a route to nv in the routing table, setting the field values for link stability attributes as LP = L(nu, nv), EP =1, TP = T(nu, nv) and AuthP = Auth (nu, nv) .

Step 2: Node nu examines its routing table for a route to node nd . If none is found, it creates a forward route with nd as the destination node, setting the fields in the routing table to NextHop = nv , LastHop = FirstHop , EP = ForwardEP, LP = min{ForwardLP, L(nu, nv)}, TP = min{ForwardTP, T(nu, nv)} and the path authentication status.

Step 3: Node nu updates the fields in the RREP, a process similar to what’s done with RREQ. It then checks if there exists in the routing table a reverse route that has not been used to reply with an RREP. If there is one that meets the authentication status requirements, it's selected for sending the RREP; otherwise, the RREP is discarded.

When the source node nu receives the RREP message, it establishes the corresponding routing table entry to the destination node nd based on the fields within the RREP. At the end of route discovery, node ns selects the optimal route for data transmission from the established multiple paths and the collected link stability attributes, using a trusted path selection mechanism.

4.4 Routing maintenance

The state of IoT networks in edge computing scenarios is dynamically changing, and the routing information stored by nodes may become invalid due to node movement, energy consumption, or trust value changes. Timely maintenance of routing table information of nodes in the network can effectively reduce the frequency of route discovery, and can reduce the path selection failure or not optimal due to outdated link information. Based on the AOMDV routing protocol, STAOMDV routing implements link stability property updates and error route feedback.

4.4.1 Link stability property update

When the stability of a single-hop link in the network, i.e., the edge weights in the directed weighted graph, varies too much, it can lead to the inability of nodes to accurately assess the stability of the path when performing path selection. Therefore, an event-driven mechanism for updating link stability attributes is proposed in this paper. There are three trigger conditions for this mechanism, as shown in the link eFE in Fig. 8. The mechanism is triggered when the life cycle, energy level or trust level changes too much, as follows:

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Fig. 8. Link stability attribute update trigger indication



ΔTFE ≥ THT       (22)

where, ∆LFE , ∆EFE , and ∆TFE are the change rates of life cycle, energy level, and trust value obtained from the difference in monitoring values of the three indicators measured by the node twice consecutively; THL , THE , and THT denote the change rate thresholds of the three attributes, used to control the maximum degree of acceptable change.

When any one of the above three trigger conditions is sensed, node F updates the attribute field values of all route entries with E as the next hop node and generates a stability attribute update packet (SUPD) that is broadcast to neighboring nodes. For example, the orange arrow in Fig. 8 indicates that at least one of the above events occurs, and the green arrow indicates the SUPD flow of the attribute update message.

The structure of the SUPD message is shown in Fig. 9, where Source IP Address indicates the source node of the route to update the stability attributes; Source Sequence Number indicates the serial number of the source node; Update Destination List indicates the set of routes to update the stability attributes, including the destination node address and last hop node address of each route, and the destination node serial number; UpdateLP , UpdateEP , and UpdateTP indicate the perceived changed link life cycle, energy level, and trust level, respectively.

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Fig. 9. SUPD packet structure of STAOMDV routing protocol

4.4.2 Routing errors

Single-hop links may fail due to increased node distance, energy depletion, or being identified as a malicious node. In standard AOMDV, the failed routes in the network are removed by Route ERROR (RERR) messages. The execution of RERR messages in STAOMDV is similar to that of SUDP. Unlike SUDP, the link is actively disconnected when a node finds a neighbor node with a low trust value and considers it as a malicious node, or the node sends a RERR message when the link is disconnected due to a low neighbor node energy and distance beyond the communication distance (which can be obtained through link layer feedback). Similarly, the node handles the RERR message in a similar way as SUDP after receiving it. As shown in Fig. 10, node F finds that the link to E is unreachable or finds that node E is a malicious node, it constructs and broadcasts a RERR message, whose flow direction is shown by the red arrow, and the node receiving the RERR message deletes the relevant routing table entries.

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Fig. 10. RERR example in STAOMDV​​​​​​​

5. Experimental results and analysis

To verify the effectiveness of the proposed trusted routing mechanism STAOMDV, simulation experiments were designed and conducted. The analysis involved comparing the performance of STAOMDV with other routing protocols. The experimental process encompassed setting the relevant parameters, selecting appropriate evaluation metrics, and presenting the obtained results. The experiments were conducted on a PC machine with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU operating at 2.90 GHz and 16GB of memory.

5.1 Experimental setting

The NS-3 platform was utilized to implement simulation experiments for the STAOMDV routing protocol. The experimental scenario consisted of a single area 1000 1000 m m × , where 50 mobile nodes were randomly deployed. The communication range was set to a predetermined value, and the mobility of nodes was simulated through a random movement model. To evaluate the effectiveness of the STAOMDV protocol, we compared its performance with two other routing protocols: AOMDV and LLECP-AOMDV [29]. The simulation parameters used in the experiments were established according to Table 1. Besides the conventional terminal device parameters, specific protocol parameters relevant to this paper were also defined. To replicate the movement status of IoT devices, a random movement model was employed, and different movement speeds were set to closely resemble real-world IoT scenarios. Additionally, the participation of forwarding devices was regulated by energy thresholds, where devices with a remaining energy rate below 0.2 were deemed insufficient for data forwarding activities. Routing information maintenance was triggered by the rate of change threshold, signifying the need for maintenance when the change exceeded 0.1.

Table 1. Parameters setting of simulation experiment​​​​​​​

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In order to accurately measure and evaluate the experimental results, the end-to-end average delay, group delivery rate and the number of energy-depleted nodes are selected as evaluation metrics to analyze and compare the experimental results.

(1) AED (average end-to-end delay). It represents the average time it takes for a packet to be transmitted from the source node to the destination node and is calculated as follows:

\(\begin{aligned}A E D=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(t_{i}^{\text {arrive }}-t_{i}^{\text {sent }}\right)\end{aligned}\)       (23)

where, n is the number of successfully delivered data packets, tsenti is the time when data packet i was sent, and tarrivei is the time when data packet i arrived at the destination node.

(2) PDR (packet delivery rate). It represents the ratio of the number of data packets received by the destination node to the number of data packets sent out by the source node. The higher the packet delivery rate is, the better the protocol effect is. It is calculated as follows:

\(\begin{aligned}P D R=\frac{\text { Num }_{\text {arrive }}}{\text { Num }_{\text {sent }}} \times 100 \%\end{aligned}\)       (24)

where, Numarrive represents the number of data packets arriving at the destination node and Numsent represents the number of data packets sent by the source node.

(3) NEN (number of energy exhausted nodes). It is the sum of the number of nodes whose energy is zero at the end of the simulation and is calculated as follows:

NEN = |{n | n ∈ N ∧ En = 0}       (25)

where, n is the node of the network, En is the remaining node energy. || represents the number of elements in the set.

5.2 Experimental results analysis

The proposed trusted routing protocol in this paper integrates the path lifecycle, energy level, and trust level to enhance its efficacy. To validate its effectiveness, we conducted simulation experiments to examine the network performance under varying maximum device mobility rates and different numbers of malicious nodes. The evaluation of STAMODV's performance focuses on achieving balanced energy consumption by monitoring the number of energy-depleted nodes in the network.

5.2.1 Effect of node movement speed

This part of the simulation experiment assumes the presence of four malicious nodes in the network to simulate malicious attacks (e.g., black hole attack, gray hole attack) during the routing process. In this paper, the malicious behavior is assumed to be black hole attack. By varying the maximum movement speed of the nodes, which ranges from 0-20m/s, each performance index under different maximum movement speeds is obtained, and the experimental results are shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12.

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Fig. 11. Average end-to-end delay with different node maximum speeds

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Fig. 12. Packet delivery rate with different node maximum speeds

As can be seen from Fig. 11, the average end-to-end delay of STAMODV and the other two baseline schemes increases as the maximum node movement speed increases. As the node movement speed increases, the links between nodes are more likely to be lost due to the increased distance, requiring more frequent route discovery and maintenance, thus increasing the end-to-end delay. However, noteworthy observations from the figure reveal that STAMODV consistently maintains the smallest average end-to-end delay, whereas standard AOMDV exhibits the largest delay. This difference arises due to the fact that AOMDV solely considers the number of hops in path selection, while both STAMODV and LLECP-AOMDV account for connection losses due to device mobility and low residual energy of nodes, making the selected paths more stable and efficient. Furthermore, the presence of malicious nodes in the network results in an increased number of data retransmissions, leading to elevated data transmission delays. Notably, neither AOMDV nor LLECP-AOMDV considers this concern, while STAMODV addresses it effectively, resulting in improved end-to-end delay performance.

The packet delivery rate performance is shown in Fig. 12, where the packet delivery rate of all three schemes decreases as the maximum speed of the node increases. As the node movement speed increases, the path selected during data forwarding may result in lower data packet delivery rate due to link loss. However, thanks to the link lifecycle considered in link selection, the packet delivery rates of STAMODV and LLECP-AOMDV are significantly higher than those of AOMDV, and the decline is smaller. However, since LLECP-AOMDV does not consider the trust level of the paths, the selected paths may contain malicious nodes, resulting in a lower packet delivery rate than STAMODV in this paper.

5.2.2 Effect of malicious nodes

The maximum movement speed of the node is set to 10m/s. Simulation experiments are conducted by setting different numbers of malicious nodes (malicious behavior is assumed to be black hole attack), and each performance index is obtained as shown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14.

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Fig. 13. The end-to-end delay with different numbers of malicious nodes

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Fig. 14. Packet delivery rate with different numbers of malicious nodes

As shown in Fig. 13, the average end-to-end delay increases with the increase of the number of malicious nodes in the network. Due to the comprehensive consideration of the lifecycle, energy level and trust level of the link, the best path obtained may not be the shortest path, and the larger the number of malicious nodes. The larger the number of hops of its selected path may be, which makes the transmission delay increase; AOMDV only considers the number of hops when selecting a path for data transmission, and the path with the shortest number of hops may be unstable and insecure, and the probability of data transmission failure is positively correlated with number of malicious nodes is positively correlated, so the end-to-end delay increases more than STAMODV and LLECP-AOMDV.

As shown in Fig. 14, the packet delivery rate decreases as the number of malicious nodes in the network increases. As malicious nodes launch attacks such as black hole attack, selective forwarding, etc., they maliciously discard the received data packets so that the data cannot reach the destination node, thus decreasing the packet delivery rate. However, as seen in Fig. 14, the packet delivery rate of STAMODV exhibits a more gradual decline compared to LLECP-AOMDV and AOMDV. This is due to the ability of STAMODV to determine whether a neighboring node is a malicious node by its forwarding behavior and thus select a more trusted path for data transmission, which the other two schemes do not achieve from hop count or link life cycle alone.

5.2.3 Energy balancing effect

In STAMODV, the energy level of the path is considered in path selection, and by selecting a path with higher energy level can balance the network energy consumption and extend the network lifetime. We fix the maximum node movement speed and the number of malicious nodes as 10m/s and 4, respectively, and observe the change of the number of energy-depleted nodes with the experimental simulation time, the results of which are shown in Fig. 15. From the experimental results, we can see that the number of energy-depleted nodes in both STAMODV and LLECP-AOMDV is small in the early stage of the experiment, and there is no node death in the first 100s, while there is one node death in AOMDV. At the later stage, the number of STAMODV and LLECP-AOMDV node deathsremained small, while AOMDV showed more node deaths. This is due to the fact that, both STAMODV and LLECP-AOMDV consider energy consumption during routing, which equalizes the energy consumption of nodes in the network and reduces the possibility of node death.

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Fig. 15. Variation of the number of energy-depleted nodes with simulation time​​​​​​

5. Conclusion

In this paper, a trustworthy routing mechanism for the Internet of Things in edge computing scenarios was proposed in order to address the problem of multi-hop data transmission. Firstly, a trustworthy path selection strategy was designed based on three different link stability attributes, which comprehensively considered the link lifecycle, energy level, trust level, and identity authentication status to select the optimal path. Secondly, a trustworthy routing protocol based on link stability was proposed on top of the AOMDV protocol, which enabled the establishment and maintenance of multi-path routing between nodes, as well as the collection and update of stability attribute data. Finally, simulation experiments were conducted to verify the performance of the STAOMDV protocol.


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