A Study on Management Status of Disposed FRP Fishing Boats and Competitive Advantages of Third Recycling Technology

FRP 폐어선 관리 실태와 재활용 기술 경쟁우위에 관한 연구

  • Dong-Hun Go (Fisheries Policy Research Department, Korea Maritime Institute) ;
  • Yeong-Tae Son (Gunsan Regional Office of Oceans & Fisheries)
  • 고동훈 (한국해양수산개발원 수산연구본부) ;
  • 손영태 (군산지방해양수산청)
  • Received : 2023.09.10
  • Accepted : 2023.09.29
  • Published : 2023.09.30


Around the 1980s, with government's promotion and dissemination policies for FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics) of the government as a main material of fishing boats, approximately 97% of the entire fishing boats in Korea have utilized FRP until now. Nevertheless, diverse social and environmental issues have emerged due to the susceptibility to fire and the generation of substances detrimental to human health during the construction process of FRP fishing vessels. Especially, the high disposal cost and the limitation of recycling technology in the disposal process of FRP fishing boats have elicited attention to circular economy. This research intended to grasp the management status and problems of disposed FRP fishing boats in Korea, and to assess the level of competitive advantage of FRP fishing boats' recycling technologies of FRP fishing boats based on VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization) analysis through domestic and foreign management policies and related recycling examples. According to the survey of 161 respondents, including the industry, stakeholders and experts related to the collection, treatment and recycling of fisheries wastes, it was revealed that FRP fishing boats' recycling technologies of FRP fishing boats are at the level of 'unused competitive advantage' that satisfied the level of value, rarity and imitability, but not the level of organization.



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